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The Super Power of Forgiveness with Perto Herrera on BBS Radio and special guest, Felicia Johnson!


What if every moment, every decision, every breath was filled with extraordinary clarity?  How would your life change and how would your experience of life shift?  Sri and Kira take you on the extraordinary journey of clarity.  We are each able to access this profound gift through simple, targeted steps that are calling to you right now!  Want to know the answer to every question without doubting yourself?  Then take a deep breath, dedicate an hour to your clarity and join us for a powerful life shifting show!  

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Epidode featured 'Debunking Hawking-No God Behind the Big Bang' and provides detailed suggestions relating to how taking 100% responsibility for your outer experience not only empowers you to make changes in the reflection; but also frees you from the past. 

Cosmic LOVE with  Kaypacha on the 2014 Grand Cross