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Esoteric Practioner, Wudan Taosism, Gaqua, Qigong, Daoyin Methods, Shamanic Student, Alchemist

In this episode off "Insight Out, the Naked Truth" we find our hero and heroine really stepping out into the unknown to see what's out there. With a rich variety of music and their usual combination of penetrating insights and silliness, the Striders probe the mystery.  Find out what they've discovered about our universe potential.

The Debut show of InnerViews with Kimmie Rose and Donna Visocky on BBS Radio!

Reenie Panzini joins Francine to share information on the law of attraction and vision boards. There are many ways to vision board and manifesting the desired results for your Earth life!

Part One of a two part series

War or peace, awakening or asleep,  the rising costs of living and the everyday news flashes of chaos can all bring anxiety and fear into our lives….even when we are doing our best to not be affected by it!  You are swimming in the river of an AMAZING TIME on our planet…HOW you navigate this stream is important!  Sri and Kira reveal why this chaos is here, and the importance for each of us to MAKE THE CHOICE as to how we will navigate these times!  The LINES ARE OPEN!