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Rise Harrington
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Spiritual Self Mastery – Lessons on the Road to Ascension

Spiritual Self-Mastery is a path for beginners and initiates to begin empowering themselves and their lives through spiritual principles of Self-Mastery. It helps people make a spiritual connection to their Angels and Spirit Guides, with or without religion, to heal their lives and move towards their soul’s purpose.

Battling inner forces of darkness, a spiritual ‘how to’ primer would have made my journey so much easier through the first 40 years of my life. This manual is an invitation is to the younger generations in hopes of saving them from the bungling that we pre-millennials have had to suffer through. I wrote this book for the beginner I was and I expect readers to see results in their own lives the day they begin reading.   As we open communication channels to our soul, our higher self and our spiritual guidance, we walk a path of richer meaning and begin experiencing the loving, synchronistic, rhythmic flow of Spirit in all of life.

In this book you'll learn how to:

Open communications to your Angels and spirit guides

Discover the names of your Guardian Angel and spirit guides

Develop your intuition

Recognize the signs and suggestions from your spirit guides

Use a pendulum to confirm your insights and hunches

Increase your vibrations

Become grounded

Use your dreams as a life course correction tool

Achieve liberation through forgiveness


Medium and Author Rise’ (Resa) Harrington has developed universally shared spiritual teachings from her own life experiences. This includes the uphill climb with birth and trauma entity attachments, identity confusion, childhood sexual molestation and multiple Demonic possession attempts. Her material is expanded by the shared experiences with hundreds of clients in her Mediumship practice.

Rise's life challenges, spiritual studies and Angel guidance have enabled her to develop her own successful healing processes that culminated in the publication of her first book Spiritual Self Mastery – Lessons on the Road to Ascension. This book documents the path that Rise' developed in the resolution of her entity attachments as she rose from the darkness into the light, growing vibrationally through the years beyond reach of the dark and Demonic factors. This makes her an effective mentor and healer for people at all levels to raise themselves vibrationally in the same manner and begin to evolve into their highest expressions of soul self.

Rise' received higher metaphysical instruction and guidance from her Angels, Spirit Guides and the Ascended Masters. She has since become merged with her soul group of 11 other members and is now an earth-based member of this higher dimensional soul group called Evian. Soul mate Dorgeck co-authors her books as Bryan Jameison, his original incarnation name.

Rise' has practiced mediumship focused on assisting the Lost Soul population in the Astral realms since 1999. She went public in her Mediumship Practice in 2013 offering Diagnostic Readings for Lost Soul Entity Haunting, Attachment and Demonic Possession with recommended treatments. She also offers Spiritual Mentoring from her Facebook groups Mediums Are Empaths Empowered and Spiritual Self-Mastery. Rise' provides Angel and Spirit Guide readings from her website

Rise’s spiritual life path has been greatly influenced by her 20 years of mostly career related world travels to the Far East, Europe and Egypt. Rise’ is a certified Medium and a Minister of the Universal Life Church. She has been channeling St Germain (Adameus) privately for more than15 years and most recently has begun publicly channeling his higher self Spirit name Adameus.

She was raised in Los Gatos, California and now resides in San Diego County California.


Facebook Group:  Mediums Are Empaths Empowered

Facebook Group: Spiritual Self Mastery – Lessons on the Road to Ascension

Facebook Page: Soul Freedom -Healing From Earthbound Spirit Attachment