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Meir Schneider
Your Pitch

Join Meir Schneider, PhD, LMT, to find out how easy-to-perform movement and vision exercises can work together to heal your body and eyes. Meir will explain the relationship between the body and eyes and talk about exercises to improve circulation to your eyes by loosening tension in your neck and back. Vision can improve!  

Hear about Meir's newly released book Awakening Your Power for Self Healing, designed to teach you how to bring the power of healthy movement into every part of your life and overcome disabilities and diseases on which others will tell you to give up.  Awaken your power of self healing!


Meir Schneider, PhD, LMT, healed himself of congenital blindness and developed an original holistic approach to health. Meir has devoted his life to teaching people how to heal themselves by addressing every aspect of their being. He is the founder of the School For Self-Healing in San Francisco, California.