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Bernie Taylor
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There has been a longstanding narrative that dogs originally came from lost wolf cubs which begged at our campfires. The DNA evidence of dogs tells a different story where domesticated dogs and wolves have a common ancestor between 27,000 to 40,000 years ago (See study below). This coincides with Paleolithic cave art in Europe and where we might find an image of this first dog. A two minute video exploring this concept of the first dog in Paleolithic cave art is below.
I believe that the Paleolithic heritage of dogs and an alternative version of how they first became our partners may be of interest to your listeners. I am open to discuss these and other ideas on your show. Be sure to check if your favorite dog breed is pictured in the Paleolithic caves.
Best Regards,
Bernie Taylor
Portland, Oregon

Bernie Taylor is an independent naturalist, thought leader and author whose research explores the mythological connections and biological knowledge among prehistoric, indigenous and ancient peoples. His works in these areas include Biological Time (2004) and Before Orion: Finding the Face of the Hero (2017). Before Orion is premised on Joseph’s Campbell’s hero's journey monomyth that is at the core of stories worldwide among indigenous peoples, the ancients, and our modern society. Before Orion explores a deeper root for this monomyth by looking at how hunter-gatherers viewed themselves within the natural and spiritual worlds through Paleolithic cave art from 40,000 ago. Taylor proposes that select cave paintings are fundamental pieces in the human journey to self-realization, the foundation of written language, and a record of biological knowledge that irrevocably impacted some of the artistic styles, religious practices, and stories that are still with us. Taylor addresses a profound archaeological elephant in the room by opening up an uncharted place in our history, which points to the cultural ancestors of mankind in western North Africa. 

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