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October 10, 2010, Elizabeth Joyce  teaches the new spontaneous healing techniques. She will discuss the various dimension levels, spinning the chakras, and uplifting your vibration to become one with the Universe, while staying energetic and healthy. In order to survive these new energies, you need to be aware and continually work with your Spiritual growth and vibration levels. Elizabeth explains exactly how to achieve this on a daily basis. This is information so very important to your Soul growth! Don't miss out on this class.

Actualizing Your Dreams and Pursuing Your Purpose in Life with Osazee Thompson with T. Dwayne Smith

Today we discussed how to identify your gifts and talents along with the understanding that God is the Gift Giver.  We are just stewards over our gifts and we should work to perfect or gifts and talents by learning more, seeking mentor, and surrouding ourselves with positive people.

This is the debut show of Teen-Train Talk Radio on the BBS Radio Network!