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The Sixth Sense with Tara Ventura and guests, Karen Decker and Robin Landry

The Sixth Sense with Tara Ventura and special guest Roberta Grimes

The Royal Priesthood Nation with Aladyah Hanon, Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah EL and Dr Asar Hapi

Interview with Jordan Maxwell

Intuitive numerologist Tara Ventura joins Francine to offer insights into the basics of numerology. Tara shows us how numbers are the blueprint for the soul. With simple formulas, anything can be revealed with numbers. Tara discusses personalities, past lives, the future path, compatibility in relationships and how numbers can help us navigate through life.

Antonia Lau is deeply studied metaphysician and spiritual expert with over 50 years of focused, research, confirmation and positive practice.  A Professional Celebrity Psychic with over 50,000+ worldwide readings for over 33 years, along with being Clairvoyant. Clairaudient and well versed in the disciplines Tarot, Spiritual/Evolutionary Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and Graphology, she actually sees and hears the clients Guide/Guardian angel, long before it was popular in the mainstream. We take calls from our listeners who have questions for Antonia.