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Health Disclosure - Sequence to Obesity and Disease with Adam Masters on BBS Radio!

Health Disclosure - Sequence to Obesity and Disease with Adam Masters on BBS Radio!

The Debut of Health Disclosure - Sequence to Obesity and Disease with Adam Masters on BBS Radio!

Yosaif is dedicated to those who are in the role of caregiving.  He wants to help them before they burn out from all of the stresses associated with that position of responsibility.

Here's to Your Health with Dr. Jennifer Burns - Show #17 on BBS Radio!

Eva Herr interview with the late great Dr. Abram Hoffer

If you are looking for reliable information to help you make intelligent decisions about your health... LOOK NO MORE! Eva Herr's interview skills produce more useful information in one hour than many books. She does her homework and she knows her topics!  Her interviews are like health/science depositions. She finds the facts!

For information on the science of consciousness and quantum physics to early detection and prevention of disease using holistic mechanisms and nutrition -- Eva Herr has it all!

Dr Carl O. Helvie  was diagnosed with lung cancer and given 6 months to live by his primary care physician and specialist 32 years ago. Refusing chemotherapy and surgery he elected instead to use a holistic alternative approach. He has continued this approach and now at age 76 he has no chronic illnesses and no prescribed medications. To put this in context research shows that 89% of all people over age 65 have chronic illnesses and prescribed medications and the average for those at age 75 is 3 chronic illnesses and 5 prescribed medications.


Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph Traditional Naturopath, - Not Licensed in the State of Texas


Sir, Professor, Eliezer Ben-Joseph N.D, D.Sc., M.D. (MA), (Medicina Alternativa)

Professor; Open International University Of Complimentary Medicine

Board Certified Naturopath 

         Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph Is A Traditional Naturopath (From Clayton College Of Natural Medicine) With A Full Practice Residing In El Paso, Texas.  

Doctor Jennifer Burns discusses alternative medicine and holistic health practices. Heres to Your Health covers a variety of health topics.

Doctor Jennifer Burns discusses alternative medicine and holistic health practices. Heres to Your Health covers a variety of health topics.