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Science Sound and Spirituality with David Hulse and Jill Mattson

Metaphysical Teacher, Entity Removal Boot Camp Facilitator

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

Interview with Sonia Barrett, author of The Business of Disease

Various topics of the day in politics: Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, February 26th Republican debate – NBC in or out?  CNBC handling of this week’s debate and more.

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle with guest Anya Foos Graber

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Clearing Out and Consciousness! Whether it's clearing out our bodies through illness or cleanse, clearing out our homes of physical clutter, or clearing our minds, our emotions, our finances... how does this help our experience of the field Unified Consciousness? Janet and Joan will explore this and other interesting things from Heart Centered Awareness!

The Journey 8 with Rev. Judy Hosner

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Conscious Happiness with Lori Peters, host of Happiness Hangout on BBS Radio! What *is* happiness from the perspective of Consciousness? How can you be happy when your life sucks? What can you do to shift your awareness from things happening "to you" to creating it all as Consciousness?

The focus for tonight's conversation is "Don't Get Me Wrong"

​Right and wrong.  Good and bad. Moral. Immoral. These are just some of the light topics we'll engage in related to tonight's focus.  Don't get me wrong.  We'll get into our normal heavy topics for you philosophical junkies out there. Not to worry.