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IMPORTANT: Well, due to the realization many of you have had after Kevin Annett delivered a stand down order to the RCMP Officers and the Canadian Supreme Court over the Burnaby Mountain Kinder Morgan protest, it has been proven that Common Law works! A call to action was delivered and the response by many of you was outstanding.  If you haven’t done so, take another step and join the movement to take back our land!

Revoke your allegiance to the government of England and the government of Canada!

JOHN BARBOUR - the Godfather of Reality TV, a pioneer of early tv reality show formats and host to many stars and celebrities, returns for a second time to talk about his recent trip to Dallas Texas on the 51st Anniversary of the Assassination of John F. Kennedy as well as a host of other topics including 9-11, government corruption, US hegemony and questions from the audience.

There are many events brewing within the walls of the ITCCS headquarters…these two interviews with Kevin cover the following topics and events:

PAUL HELLYER - Former Canadian Minister of Defense speaks about extraterrestials visiting our planet and the governments' of the world covering it up from the public. 

"Where the bowels of the Earth to enter - place of deepness he determined, for the heroes into Earth's bowels to descend." (Sumerian Tablets)

Part 2 of an amazing review ON LOCATION in South Africa with Michael Tellinger, Louise Clarke and Alexandra Meadors covering South Africa's ancient ruins, the dolerite Stone Circles, gold's involvement in humanity's history, and breaking free through Ubuntu fever spreading around the world!!!

JOHN BARBOUR - Emmy Award winning Tv and Radio Host speaks about his documentary The Last Word on the Assassination of JFK which is the absolute, definitive event of what happened to President Kennedy in Dallas, and what has happened to America and the world since. There is nothing more compelling and informative. Absolutely nothing!

"Where the bowels of the Earth to enter - place of deepness he determined, for the heroes into Earth's bowels to descend." (Sumerian Tablets)

An amazing review ON LOCATION in South Africa with Michael Tellinger, Louise Clarke and Alexandra Meadors covering South Africa's ancient ruins, the dolerite Stone Circles, gold's involvement in humanity's history, and breaking free through Ubuntu fever spreading around the world!!!

JULIAN ROSE returns to share numerous insights regarding the "global agendas" hastily leading towards a One World Government.  This is a "no holds barred" interview, which contains information which may surprise, as it informs.  Towards the end, we talk about "Beyond Black", and the necessity to align with our spiritual nature and take critical actions now, not later.  Don't miss this show!

You can find articles, essays, projects and his books, here:

ROBERT STEELE - ex-CIA officer speaks about the many conspiracies that people wonder about including: 9-11, JFK, Ebola, Oklahoma bombing, including recent accusations against the UN that health organizations are trying to sterilize African women with a tetanus innoculation.  He takes questions from the worldwide listening audience.