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Have you ever questioned what happens when you cross over? Do you have loved ones that you'd like to get a message to? Join me as my guest Bestselling author Carole J. Obley and I discuss her book "Soul to Soul Connections" and so much more. She is known as a bridge between Heaven and Earth, and has done over 7000 readings. Through the attunement to your soul, Carole is able to channel messages and information regarding current, past, and future situations in your life! Don't miss this amazing opportunity!

Today we discuss manifesting and how it relates to both your conscious and subconscious mind. For within your subconscious is the solution to every problem, and the cause for every effect. All your experiences, events, conditions, and acts are the reactions of your subconscious mind to your thoughts. Remember, it is not the thing believed in, but the belief in your own mind, which brings about the result. Learn how to cease believing in false beliefs, opinions, superstitions, and fears of mankind, and start creating the life your really want today!

Follow your heart it's smarter than you think, and in fact has thousands of neurotransmitters just like the brain, and is much more capable of guiding you to live a loved-based existence rather than a fear based one ruled by the ego mind. Join me with best seller author Rebecca Cherry as we reveal the science behind your heart.

Today on Affirmations for living "Dream Time" Have you ever said, "It’s only a dream"? While we often dismiss dreams, or fail to make room for them in the hurry of our daily lives, dreams can be a fabulous source of guidance, healing, and "juice" for challenges of everyday life. If you want to solve a problem, or need a fresh perspective, sleep on it. I will share the tools and techniques to do just that!

We are all familiar with the law of Attraction but did you know that there are many more universal laws that govern everything we do. When you learn to apply these laws and set them into motion by your thinking and actions, you will live a life of success and happiness!

As the Law of attraction becomes more and more popular, so does the law of frustration. You know what I'm talking about- when you know exactly what you want, focus on it, give thanks in advance for it, affirm it, envision it. and it still doesn't show up. I've noticed that the most common reason people are unable to attract what they want in life, is because they have an energy block. Join me as my guest Dale Ivory explains what is energy, how it works and what it means to us!

Doctor of Psychology, Editor, Research Director, Journalist, Author
Physician, Author, Doctor, Writer, Expert Witness in Legal Settings, Expert in Addiction Related Fields
Writer, Author, Received a BA and MA in Psychology and Counselling, Member of the Southern Christian Writers Guild
X-Gay Minister, Prayer Warrior, Degree in Psychology, Business Owner, Minister of Delivernce, Radio Host, Singer, General of Prayer in the Kingdom