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Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and special guests Christopher Caplan AKA Trickster Guru and Robert James Buchholz

Join Christina Winslow, host of Reach For It Radio Show as she interviews Kingsley L. Dennis, PhD and author of "The Phoenix Generation" . In his new book, Kingsley looks ahead to a generation of young adults that will come of age in 2030 and will revolutionize our world. According to Kingsley, within the Phoenix Generation, the quantum revolution begun 100 years ago and will become mainstream. this will trigger a shift in our technologies, the way we perceive our relationship to the larger cosmos, and will radically revise our human goals upon the planet.

Chat with Dr Black with Douglas Newsom

Sayward Ayre joins host Francine Milano to discuss her book series and compilation of her paranormal life experiences.

Adventures Into Reality with Andrew Bartzis, Danielle Lynn and Santi Azpilicueta and guests

Honor Your Pet with L Leigh Meriweather and special guest Heather Merrill of New England Pet Hospice

Lena Live with Elyena Miremonde and Julian Lampert

Part 4 of a series dedicated to Calgary Hospital. Special guest Dr. Sherry Schachter of the Bereavement Center

with sri ram kaa and kira raa

Spiritual life or Not…time to come out

What happens when we simply live our truth and honor ourselves as we do?

The simple answer is nothing short of miracles! This first show of the enlightening series on the inward journey will dive into the gift of living the spiritual experience without hesitation.

How does the world of crystals and other energetics of our planet support this journey and how can someone feel safe enough to move forward without fear?