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Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez - Talking about all thing politics!

THE GOOD NEWS with Reverend Joseph Caesar Show #12

Shusara begins this session by discussing the importance of having the seeker ask that his/her objective observer come into being. The session focuses on the role of the observer and it's paramount importance to dissolution work. The trials and tribulations of the personal self are not experienced by the observer. Moving deeper into to objective observer allows the seeker to witness and dissect the patterning of the personal self without any attachment to its story.

The Journey 8 with Rev. Judy Hosner and special guest Jen Phipps

Higher Truth Radio with Michael Bee - Episode #2 on BBS Radio

Tonight's session began with the patterning example of a person who believes that whatever they say it won't be good enough. Shusara expanded on where that comes from, and SCSA's Meghan, told her story of how this pattern just showed up in her life at work. Shusara took the opprtunity to challenge Meghan on what she continues to believe about the story. Then Shusara read a quote from Byron Katie and the group discussed different levels of truth present within the statement. Listen carefully... there's a lot to it!

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest Lynne Kitei