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Darrell Campbell
Your Pitch

There has never been another person exactly like me in the history of mankind nor will there ever be. God our Heavenly father has made me an original, one of a kind a special person, rare, unique and valuable.  My life decisions and life lessons have taught me that I am too soon old and two late smart. As a life coach, I encourage you and me to ask ourselves are we getting just order or can we say we are getting smarter?  Nevertheless, For what purpose came you and me into this world, unto what were we created? and what is our divine destiny? Consequently, If you found out you only had one week to live what three things would you absolutely positively make sure you got done?  If you knew money was no object and time no consideration and you knew absolutely positively you could not fail, what great thing would you do?  He who knows and knows that he knows is wise.  He who thinks he knows but he really knows now is yet foolish, immature, unlearned, and can drive he who is wise away, and quence even the Holy Spirit. This is  Real Life Coach Darrell Campbell, Sometimes called Mr. James. In this life the main thing, is to keep the main thing the main thing. Let’s talk about it and remember I just might be talking to myself. 


Born  in deep South Alabama during the transitional and Trumatic civil rights era of the 50s and 60s. Two brothers, four sisters. Legally adopted by grandparents and raised by them (born 1902).  Among first middle school African American students of integrated public schools (1970), benefactor of Affirmative Action of 70s-80s becoming one of first GM of Operations  at southern based cafe chain. Double franchise Owner Operator Buffalos Cafe. Founder Real Help Network 2004, co-founder South Georgia Nonprofit Collaboration Network. Traveled to Equador, Czech Republic, Poland, Death Camps, at podium in Grand Hall of United Nations Building. Diploma Sex and Drug Counseling. Presented original research Georgia Sociology Association Conference 2013-2015, pending article publication Journal of Public and Professional Sociology. Married more than forty years, three children, 2 sons Eagle Scouts, daughter attends Columbus State University. Three granddaughters. Creator of School of Hard-Knocks. Confessed Christian believer. Mother, 39 year old, killed in domestic violence incident and first born died at age 26.