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David Manning shares his perspective as a shamanic sound energy healer, whose work involves the surfacing of deeply submerged Atlantean "collective memories".  We track parallels between Atlantis and historical repetitions, which bear a striking resemblance to these times.  In a highly personal show, David talks about his own "shadow" created by child abuse, addictions, and being "out" as a gay male.

Lucia Rene returns to share insights on multi-dimensionality, from her unique perspective as a mystic, empowering others to come into their own power.  We discuss the process as she experiences it, through teleconferences, videos and a rare upcoming event:  the Treasure Trove of Transformation Intensive in San Francisco, July 7th through the 10th.  Joining her will be David Manning and Susan Gash - not to be missed!

GROUNDING MEDITATIONS for your shift in Consciousness. Stay Grounded during these transformational times. How to Meditate and be present in your body.