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Hair Head and Heart with Mary-Reed Johnson

Topic: Responsibility, Exploitation and Truth

Responsibility and Burden. Whether it was in group, in myself, in mine or others’ clients, this is up in our stories. And they seemed to be glued together. When you consider the meanings of each they are different but you can see how they can get fixed that way.  

Responsibility means the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. 2) the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something. 3) the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization. Burden means: a load, especially a heavy one.

Alexandra is on the other side of the microphone today, being interviewed by Mike Harris of Veterans Today on his radio show The Short End of the Stick. They talk about the rising tide of consciousness and awareness regarding the inter-relatedness of all people, places and events; and how we have been prevented from truly discovering our own divinity, sovereignty and joy.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.

Tonight's session begins with Shusara revisiting last weeks topic of third party communication and answering a listeners question concerning it. She also addresses how little verbal communication is actually necessary in our lives and asks us to become more aware of how we use our words. Then Shusara reads about Pope Francis and his address following the Third Vatican Council in December and makes a point of how he is speaking from the level of The Christ to all of us.

How do you move from a place of blame to accepting responsibility for your experiences. This week we will be discussing how the subconscious mind works, and how you are a vibrational match to whatever you are experiencing. But most importantly we will be discussing that you don't have to blame yourself or anyone else, just begin to change your thought patterns and create the life you desire! My special guest will be Author Llenar Bragg.