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Living Your Passion ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

So many of us end up in jobs that pay the bills but we feel dissatisfied. Our soul yearns for more. Or we end up at the end of a career saying, 'finally, I can do what I love to do - if I only knew what that is'!

That's because, from the moment we're born, we're looked at as blank slates to be written on or lumps of clay to be moulded. We're not recognized as Consciousness, our Essence is not seen.  In actuality, we are treasure chests of potential.

"What Ifs" And Parallel Lives ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

Reading about the Canadian Prime Minister this morning; I was a teenager in Ottawa when his dad was Prime Minister. It made me think - what if I'd stayed in Ottawa? Gone to a Canadian University? What would life be like now?

Adventures in Density & Effort describes my belief of what life on earth is all about. I believe we are Spirit manifesting in this reality for the fun of experiencing the opposite of who We Are.

Spirit is immortal, eternal, and all knowing ( it *is* the cosmic internet). In the non-physical realm, there’s no time – everything is happening at once, and no space – everything is Unity, and no negative emotions – it’s all joy.

What would be fun or entertaining for Spirit, who has everything? To create a reality to experience dichotomies, limitations and opposites!

Who's Driving The Car? ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

We all have subpersonalities, and it doesn't mean you're schitzophrenic! What it means is that you have access to all different aspects of yourself, and this can be quite useful when you're conscious of it.

It's when we're unconscious that they can cause problems.

Act Before You're Ready ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

When you plan to do something, a part of you goes out and does it. As Consciousness you're not fettered by time and space so anything you imagine you instantaneously experience - as Consciousness.

Visualization is great but another step needs to happen.

In actually scheduling these meetups (as opposed to just thinking about them), I've set an intention and set energy in motion for them to actually happen. As Consciousness I can go everywhere, do anything, be anything, but nothing comes into form unless action is taken.

How To Handle The Ever Increasing Pace of Expansion ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Things are getting faster. Time seems to be speeding up. It's noticeable in our everyday lives - we have never ending streams of information bombarding us from social media 24/7, but we can also communicate with each other instantaneously, and get places quicker, than we ever have before.

It used to be that a second was the fastest measurement of time. Now it seems broken into nanoseconds. What is going on?

Respond-Ability ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Responsibility is such a heavy word. Being responsible can mean taking the blame or being at fault when things go wrong.  Being responsible can mean that you're the only one being accountable for the success or failure an endeavor.

Suck it up. Put on your big girl panties.

Responsibility sounds like no fun at all.

Responsibility is the ability to respond. When something happens, you are at choice to respond or react.