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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Attracting Patterns and Consciousness. In response to a client question we discussed how we engage with energetic patterns. As Consciousness we see this as an opportunity for making new choices.  It's important to be neutral, to respond rather than react. If you are blaming (yourself or others) you are viewing things as your personality.  Joan and Janet share personal situations where they have interacted with family patterns yet still held a greater awareness.

Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet

Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet

Today on Conscious Conversations Joan and Janet talk about how we each experience Consciousness. They explain ways we notice energy. How do we utilize our sensory experience? Do we feel our way into it, do we see it, or sense it in some other fashion? They invite you to remember how it was as an infant or toddler, filled with wonder and curiosity.