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We give every host and podcaster that signs up for the premium plan the ability to network one commercial on BBS Radio Station 1 and Station 2 live station streams, playing 24/7. Commercials and music are heard between talk shows and during off hours of each day. Audio expression will generally get played 1 or 3 times per day, per station!

We can help you create professional bumpers, liners, commercials, show audio advertisements, and other audio expressions, inexpensively, especially liners/bumpers/scores between 30-60 seconds. All we really need is the ad copy (text for the adverts/audio track). We will then tape a voice, usually one of us, or you, or someone else you have in mind, via phone or Skype, then embed selected music in the audio track, music you send us (that you have derivative rights to use) or music you select from our large database. We will then send you the finished product!

Upload audio clips, commercials, show promos, audio advertisements or any type of audio expression, even music, to your program page and episode pages! (Add Audio Tracks to Your Pages!)