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You have the ability to upload any audio expression (audio file), in almost any format, of almost any length, to the top of your show page, with the ability to title the audio file and link that title to the sponsor or advertiser's website. You can add audio expressions to your talk show page in seconds (that's featuring their audio ad, featuring their name/title, and linking to their website - and it only takes a few seconds). Just press the link in the USER MENU entitled "Upload Audio Clip"!

A graphic image is usually easy to create or easy to obtain. Your sponsor or advertiser probably has a logo, or some other image they want you to use, just ask them! If they do not, we can create one for you for for a nominal fee. An audio expression is also easy to create or obtain. It's just some words (ad copy) with music in the background. If your sponsor or advertiser doesn't have one, make them one! Offer it out as a part of your 'package' deal! If you use BBS Radio's services, then we make it super simple!