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October 30, 2014
Ted Galdi

I'm the author of Elixir, a bestselling new thriller novel about a teenage genius curing his girlfriend of Ebola. I can discuss the book, in addition to the Ebola disease in general, which I know a lot about after conducting research during my writing.


Ted Galdi is the author of the bestselling novel Elixir, which he published in August 2014 at the age of twenty-nine. He's a graduate of Duke University and lives in Los Angeles. Ted has been featured by ABC and FOX television, iHeartRadio, Examiner, and many other media outlets.

Ted can be contacted at To learn more about him, check out his interviews, and receive updates about releases and special events, visit his official website at

October 25, 2014
Roberta Grimes

For Your Consideration: Roberta Grimes: The Fun of Dying: Find Out What Really Happens Next Hello BBS Radio Host: I wish to share with you the guest possibility of attorney and afterlife expert Roberta Grimes who illuminates what for some can be a difficult topic, but one that we must increasingly face as the boomer population ages. For those who worry about dying or losing a loved one, or those who fret about the death of a pet, Roberta brings her passion for the subject and 40 years of scholarly in-depth study to deliver concrete answers to all your questions. After two “experiences of light” in childhood, Roberta was determined to understanding the afterlife. She spent decades studying nearly 200 years of abundant and consistent communications from those who have died. As a result of this disciplined research and her study of quantum physics and consciousness evidence, she can delineate with clarity what comes next. In doing so, she removes the elements of darkness and superstition that once permeated this topic and brings us a comprehensive understanding of death that is uplifting and even joyful. In her riveting interviews Roberta covers such points as: • What are the kinds of evidence about the afterlife that are available to us? • Where is the afterlife and how does it work? • How is it that quantum physics is related to the physics of the afterlife? • Why is it that we have little or no awareness of the afterlife? • How does death happen, and how does it “feel”? • What can we know about God? • What are heaven and hell, and how can we learn the truth about them? • What can we know about the meaning and purpose of our lives? Roberta Grimes is a business attorney, novelist and speaker based in Austin, Texas, who had two extraordinary experiences of light as a child. In an attempt to understand her experiences, she has spent decades studying nearly 200 years of abundant and consistent communications from the dead and other afterlife-related evidence that eventually enabled her to assemble an in-depth understanding of who and what we are, how reality works, the nature of God, and the meaning and purpose of our lives. Roberta has learned so much about the death process and the period immediately following death that in 2010 she published a brief summary of the best information called The Fun of Dying – Find Out What Really Happens Next. Her second book about the afterlife, The Fun of Staying in Touch, will document the many ways in which the dead contact us, and the wonderful recent research that is making it easier for us to contact them. Roberta is a graduate of Smith College and Boston University School of Law.


Roberta Grimes is a business attorney, novelist and speaker based in Austin, Texas, who had two extraordinary experiences of light as a child. In an attempt to understand her experiences, she has spent decades studying nearly 200 years of abundant and consistent communications from the dead and other afterlife-related evidence that eventually enabled her to assemble an in-depth understanding of who and what we are, how reality works, the nature of God, and the meaning and purpose of our lives. Roberta has learned so much about the death process and the period immediately following death that in 2010 she published a brief summary of the best information called The Fun of Dying – Find Out What Really Happens Next. Her second book about the afterlife, The Fun of Staying in Touch, will document the many ways in which the dead contact us, and the wonderful recent research that is making it easier for us to contact them.

October 22, 2014
Carina Berglund

I am writing to you on behalf of Zoë, a spiritual teacher, psychic medium and healer, known from the Scandinavian Television show ”Life on the other side”. She is coming to California in November, and would like to ask if you can have her as a guest on your radio show.

Zoë, Msc Neurochemistry, teaches "self help" work shops on the subject of spiritual growth. She has developed her own concepts Be an Attractive MagnetTM and Nordic Light Healing, which she teaches with great success.

Zoë will do workshops in L.A. in November: “DNA activation – The Light Code to awaken Christ Consciousness” and “Crystals' Magical Wisdom of Atlantis”.

She shares new and exciting information about our DNA and crystals. Zoë also coaches people to connect with their life purpose and their Star families from other civilizations.

I hope you can welcome us.

Kind regards,

Carina Berglund,
Assistent Zoëland

Contact details:
Phone: +33682330282

Zoë is a great speaker! Zoë, Msc Neurochemistry, teaches "self help" work shops on the subject of spiritual growth. She has developed her own concepts Be an Attractive MagnetTM and Nordic Light Healing, which she teaches with great success.

Zoë will do workshops in L.A. in November: “DNA activation – The Light Code to awaken Christ Consciousness” and “Crystals' Magical Wisdom of Atlantis”.

She shares new and exciting information about our DNA and crystals. Zoë also coaches people to connect with their life purpose and their Star families from other civilizations. Zoë can of course adjust the conversation to whatever subject you would like to discuss within spirituality. We can give you a lot of suggestions for topics over email.

October 19, 2014
Antoine Moore-Lewis Monteasy

Imagine interviewing a motivational speaker/business owner/ hip-hop artist/life coach/blogger/radio host/parent/and activist all in one interview? Antoine Lewis aka Monteasy is the guy to interview! He is a great interview and motivated person! He would love to talk about his music, his business, motivational speaking, life coaching, sports, mental guidance and more!


What describes the incredible Antoine Moore/Lewis. Antoine, was born in the cabalistic area of Queens, Ny, and moved to Florida at an early age. His grandfather Barry Moore, ( A mentor/counselor for children in Queens, Ny ) instilled morals into the young Moore that would concrete his career. The young Moore started writing songs at the age of 13. He found that through songwriting, he could escape the atrocities of his community. The young Antoine painted pictures through rhyme schemes that would capture his harsh reality, but ignited a deep passion from within. It wasn't until reading the autobiography of Malcom X, Dr.King, and Curtis Jackson that he began to pay attention to that passion. That passion being the desire to make a difference. Those values that Antoine adopted from his grandfather began to mandate his approach. Mr.Moore-Lewis, began to transition from songwriting, to motivational speaking. Antoine Moore, graduated from St.Petersburg College with honors, and obtained his Associates in Mass Communication. In the process he has launched Moore To Life Radio (An online Radio station devoted to sundrious enlightenment topics) which is sponsored by the #1 site for recent stories Mr.Moore's insight is special and his goals include becoming a promiment figure in the black community. His target....The youth.
"The misguided is the proper euphemism that describes where I'm from. I'm devoted to change, and it starts with me"
—Antoine Moore
Written and Published By Frankie Benjamin
The Biography of Antoine Moore/Lewis

October 12, 2014
Aladyah Hanon Yahudeh Bey

WE currently have a show here at BBs Radio on Thur night 5 PST called the Royal Priesthood Nation.... We are focused on raising everyones vibration by pineal gland activation.... Merkabah Activation for ascension along with world events and bring truth to the masses... I also do a show called dinar truth Matrix 3 nights a week Where we discuss world events and soul growth... Would love to be on your show.....thanks.


I am open to a wide variety of discussion topics... Ascension , soul expansion, global events, vatican, banking ect... Merkabah activation pineal gland right brain activation.... Biblical reference to the ascension process...kundilini... I am a family member of the Elite My family are from the Doles... former Senator Bob Dole.....

October 10, 2014
Michael David Lipkan

We need to shrink our cities to their smallest and most workable form. We believe that form is curvilinear and links existing cities to become a network megalopolis. This megalopolis will be energized by renewable energy coming from many sources. Proximity power and efficient/effective sequencing will greatly reduce transportation energy for the city. Shrinking the city allows reconstructing mor wilderness and the transformation of most of our plowed farmland to PERMACULTURE.


Born -- Charles City, Iowa
Photographer in the Air Force
Santa Monica City College for Liberal Arts
University of New Mexico --
Majored in Elementary Education/(Physical Education Minor) for one year
Majored in Physics/(double Minor of Math and Biology for 2 ½ years
Enrolled iat Albuquerque Technical-Vocational Institute where I Majored in Digital Electronics and graduated ca 1979
Lived and worked at Arcosanti in Arizona where.I learned about Arcologies, Dr.Paolo Soleri, and PERMACULTURE.

I have been working on my Linear City Concepts project since the late seventies.

September 24, 2014
Tony Edgell

IS IT TIME TO TELL THE BOSS TO TAKE THIS JOB & SHOVE IT SO YOU CAN DO WHAT GIVES YOU FIRE IN YOUR BELLY? 5 Things That May Be Stopping You From Making a Living Doing What You LOVE. Change Thoughts You Inherited in Life. Do you remember classes in school, family, or society telling you to follow your passion, purpose, and dreams? We have learned from society to get a good job and make lots of money regardless of whether it makes us happy. We go to jobs we don’t like because we have learned to sell our soul for a paycheck. Have a Questioning Attitude. Leap out of complacency and change the word. Heroes like Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, and Gandhi all questioned authority and society’s “norms.” Ignore FEAR. There are two kinds of fear—one is walking in a bad alley at night; the other is the voice in your head that says you’re crazy to follow your dreams and passion because you’re going to fail or be perceived as crazy. Everyone living their dreams ignored their fears. The author of The Hero Inside You tells your audience How To: Feel the passion of living a PURPOSE-filled life ESCAPE the grind of working for a paycheck Have an AMAZING lifestyle sharing your talent Learn the LIES you inherited that hold you back QUESTION authority and change the world Find YOUR gift in life Get out of your comfort zone Live life on YOUR terms Walk the path of the Hero’s Journey How to be in love with life again and be a HERO everyday Turn off your brain and ACTIVATE your heart Listen to your heart and find PEACE …..and so much more

United States

About The Author Tony Edgell is a real estate investor who left corporate America in September 2012 to pursue his life purpose of inspiring and empowering people to live their dreams. He found his calling, and he is dedicated to helping others to uncover the life they, too, are called to live. In the past, Tony had serious anger problems. He used to get into bar room fights, and when he was in high school he was a bully, although you would never know it if you met him. Tony is not proud of his past, but he is proud of how much he has evolved as a compassionate human being. Today he has tender heart and is a source of strength and inspiration to those around him. Tony lives a joyful life full of peace, passion and abundance in Pennsylvania with his beautiful wife Gail and their daughter Annie, the dog.

September 18, 2014
Angel Jones

Your Guide to Inspiration, Empowerment & Healthy Living

After successfully losing 125lbs naturally in 2004, I became dedicated to inspiring the empowerment of healthy living. It is my mission to spread this worldwide in the fight against obesity.

September 17, 2014
Carole Gold

In today’s turbulent economy, you do not have to flip houses or spend large sums of money for someone else’s “guaranteed” methods of making money. The book “Money: How to see It, Get It, and Keep It” offers you tips and strategies which are time-proven and life-changing. What is unique about the book is its practical information on how to maximize the flow of money in addition to tips on how to survive in uncertain times. You can’t go wrong as the book was written to help readers create a healthy relationship with money… while making more out of the money they have for both themselves and those they love. By way of guiding principles and sharing their deeply personal stories, Carole Gold and Steve Clark help their readers determine what they want out of life, how to create a plan of action that really works, and how to develop the habit of winning. An added bonus is the insights into how to implement the discipline to put it all together. The book is comprised of 27 proven methods that can put more cash in your pocket, so to speak, in a way that aligns with the Universal flow of energy…since money is a form of energy. While some practical people might scoff at the metaphysics of money, the authors show you how very wealthy people know these principles and apply them to their everyday personal and professional lives. For each of the 27 steps, you get 1) the authors’ real experiences; 2) the cause underlying the problem and 3) the practical solution that also shows you how to proceed should you find yourself facing a similar situation. For example, most golfers, tennis players and figure skaters come from affluent families while boxers and wrestlers tend to come from lower to middle class backgrounds. This is not a judgment of these sports but rather insight into how and why the affluent program their kids to train in disciplines that involve money and expose them to others with money. So, too, is education highly valued among the wealthy. They make certain to send their children to the very best schools. The parents of these children know it’s about programming. Their children are trained to use their free time in an engaging and constructive way, so that they usually pick up two or more hobbies such as a sport and an instrument. They are not sitting around with idle time on their hands nor are they out in the street wandering aimlessly. Money is energy and to see it, get it and keep it you have to know the rules that apply to that energy. The book breaks down and deconstructs the money game step by step. You’ll learn the real scoop on how to view and succeed in all aspects of your life from the moment you start your day until its end. The book is a fast, fun read with practical and often remarkable insights. The authors have shared their most personal and profound experiences and discoveries that will show you a new way of understanding the energy we call money.


I practiced law for 13 years because I came to it as a calling and not as a business. When the passion was gone so was my ability to make the commitment good advocacy requires. I left the practice in search of that same feeling of purpose that had drawn me to it. I found that passion in using my God given gift of intuition to provide hope and inspiration to others through mentoring, coaching and speaking. Having struggled myself through decades of confusion and depression, successfully masked by a “can do” exterior, I developed first hand insights and solutions to overcoming adversity. It’s sharing these insights and solutions that gives me the utmost pleasure by fulfilling what I believe to be my life’s purpose. A lawyer by training, I know the seduction of logic and precedent. However, not thinking for ourselves leads to enslavement and political correctness in the absurd… at which we’ve arrived. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Be the individual in thought, word and deed that you were created to be.