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hi lance,

i just want to thank you again for the work you do.  i found you with andrew and have been so impressed with your discussions and perspective.  and hearing you with aug tellez, once again i feel i want to reach out to you and thank you for sharing your understanding of the situation.  
nice work!! you have affected my life tremendously just by being you.  you are one of very few role models of the sacred masculine in my opinion.  it makes me breath easier knowing you never give up. 
keep doing what you’re doing and i hope you are feeling good and better each day as the dreaming of those of us who have courage unfolds in the beautiful ways we will start to experience more and more of. please know how beautiful your voice and being and clarity has been for me over the years.  
i am celebrating with some wine this eve and am more verbose than usual…. please forgive me.

beth meeker