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This episode centered around the idea of how Extra-terrestrial information enhances the Yoga teachings with a focus on our ET heritage.

Speaker Author and Radio Host

After an outstanding career in law enforcement, Abraham Bolden was appointed by JFK to be the first African American presidential Secret Service agent, where he served with distinction. They met by chance when JFK used the men's room to which he had been assigned as security. Bolden was a crucial part of a the Secret Service effort that prevented an attempt to assassinate JFK in Chicago, three weeks before Dallas.

This is a true story of a man and how - during the second world war - he lived through experiences that most of us wouldn't want to even dream about. Though written in a novel form it is captivating with truth shining through every line.

Encrypted with David Redding and Loret Love, Show #6 on BBS Radio!

Encrypted with Loret Love and David Redding - Show #5 on BBS Radio!

JULIAN ROSE turns a page in history with this paradigm shifting 2 hour show.  I first discovered Julian's brilliant writing through several articles. the first being "Reverse Engineering the Illuminati Mindset".  Another is "Phoenix Rising".  On his website, a guest author wrote an excellent activist post, which are all on his website at the link below:

Learning from indigenous wisdom and knowledge – To change society a cultural revolution in activism is needed – by R. Teichmann

Organic Farming GMO Free Zone Activist Writer Essays Teacher Farmer