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Filmmaker, Producer, Author, Programmer, Game Designer, Entrepreneur, Software Developer, Director, Spiritualist
Author, Doctor, Writer, Physical Organic Chemist, Molecular Geneticist, CEO of a Biotechnology Firm, Spiritual Healer, Hypnotherapist, Physicist, Cosmologist, Venture Capitalist
Entrepreneur, Automotive Engineer, Designer, Developer, Writer, Inventor
Scholar, Mythologist, Teacher, Astrologer, Philosopher, Visionary, Researcher, Speaker, Lecturer, Producer, Presenter, Explorer, Metaphysical Expert, Writer, Author, Historian
Lecturer, Author, Advisor, Computer Scientist, Professor, Engineer, Speaker, Writer
Futurist, Industrial Designer, Social Engineer, Pioneer in Human Factors, Investor, Scientist, Consultant, Developer, Researcher, Writer, Author, Speaker, Lecturer, Educator
Author, Journalist, Writer, Quatum Physicist, Broadcaster, Consultant, Lecturer
Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Linguist, Writer, Speaker
Craftsman, Machinist, Programmer, Engineer, Author, Researcher
Futurist, Lecturer, Author, Lawyer, Counselor, Judge, Teacher, Researcher