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In tonight's session Shusara leadsa guided meditation focusing on the Rays of Light and how to re-qualify the Chakras. She speaks further about doing Ray work and then discusses the importance of functioning from qualified chakras in the world. Particualr attention was placed on the collective disqualified base Chakra and the damage it does to all of us. This archive also contains a file which includes directions for doing Ray work on your own.

Ancient Astronaut Resarch, Ancient Technology, Planet X and more

THE GOOD NEWS with Reverend Joseph Caesar Show #7

Sun of God University with The Hosts - show #26 on BBS Radio - Special EASTER show, about the Spirit of Jesus and Easter!

THE GOOD NEWS with Reverend Joseph Caesar Show #6

Tonight's session began with a guided meditation revoloving aroung the requalification of the chakras. After the meditation Shusara took some time to explain the difference between an unqualified and a qualified chakra and then provided everyone with each chakra's ray, color, Archangel and Ascended Master. PielleAyan asked a question concerning people's current level of frustration and Shusara responded from multiple vantage points. Shusara shared some of her personal story as a means to demonstrate the importance of the bond between guide and student.