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Jimmie Anderson

Jimmie composes, performs and produces everything you hear and he has made SIX albums since the pandemic started! Now we just need your help getting his art to the world
The Whythouse

This Canadian Multi-Genre Urban group from Toronto, Canada keeps bringing new and exciting music for all to enjoy. The Band formed in the early 2000's are known for their innovative cross over tracks mixing Rap, Pop, RnB and Reggae. Now fast forward to December 2021
Michael Gutierrez-May

Singer-songwriter Mike Gutierrez-May has been entrenched in the folk scene for almost 30 years as a dedicated behind-the-scenes force. Since the mid 1980s, Mike promoted shows, booked coffeehouses, and supported underground artists.  He did everything to help the scene he loved so much, but, unfortunately, didn’t do enough to support his own songwriting endeavors.