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Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

The Truth about FEAR!  What is the TRUTH and what is the ILLUSION?

As Christine Ha began to lose her sight and was paralyzed on both sides of her body, her world seemed to crumble around her. Although she eventually regained control of her body, Christine lost almost all of her sight. Listen to our intimate conversation where Christine shared her darkest moments and her greatest triumphs.

Are you sick and tired of waking up paralyzed by guilt or dread over past mistakes, fearful of how you will get through the day, and suffocating with anxiety over tomorrow? So what is an "Alpha Chick," you may wonder? An Alpha Chick is a spiritual being who has worked to deepen her connection with and faith in the Divine Presence within in order to meet life's challenges with purpose and strength. My Guest this week Mal Duane is the bestselling author and she will be sharing with us the five steps of the "Alpha Chick" process.