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Zorra Call, August 27, 2023

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Zorra Call
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Wake UP the People, Special Panel with Q&A from listeners!

Zorra Call with Billie & Jane

Wake UP the People, Special Panel with Q&A from listeners!

of HollowEarth

"Zorra and Zaraya Call"

August 27, 2023

1 pm Pacific
2 pm Mountain
3 pm Central
4 pm Eastern

Our Website:

Dear beloved Gods and Goddesses,

We have our continuing 'Time to Wake Up" Call this Sunday AFTERNOON! We will have a Panel of Speakers who will assist in helping us to learn and understand the "how to's on sharing information on the important issues present in our governments, economies/financial systems and healthcare etc. 
Many of us have started to share such information that opposes the "norm" or the MSM news or what the shadow governments are disclosing that are lies and deceptions. We are seeing more evidence of this disclosure now, but we, the People must still be active in our participation.

Please come, listen and ask your questions to help you and others in bringing out the the hidden Truths to people. We are each other's Brothers and Sisters to accomplish this work/joy mission. This is a worldwide effort for all of us, Warriors of the Light.

If you missed our enlightening call last week with Lynda Jane Selina, our natural born Psychic, Seer, Medium and Healer, go to the link below. You will also hear about her Spirit School available for those interested in enhancing their abilities to connect with their Higher Self or ability to becoming more intuitive or psychic etc.



OUR Newest PRODUCT "Certified Organic" :

Learn more about these Certified Organic supplements! Pure and Excellent for our bodies!

Link: _zorraofhollowearth-1023047-106.mp3

Please text me, Jane for questions, 719-428-9746. State your full name, phone number, time zone and question. Thanks!

What a Wndrous, Glorious and Loving Now it Is!

NOTE: We are setting up sessions with Zorra and Zaraya or even me, Jane. The love gifts for the sessions are very reasonable: 
1/2 hr is $50 or 1 hr is $100. Sliding scale will also be available. Take advantage of this now as we are nearing a period of time, when we will all be very busy with our humanitarian projects etc. 
Text Jane at 719-428-9746 your name, number, time zone and who you would like to speak with.

Endless Love to ALL
Zorra, Zaraya, Jane/Quazar
Sign up for our newsletters at our 

Below is more information for All: OUT in all Theaters
the Movie: Sound of Freedom and pass it forward to as many people as possible. It's time for full disclosure and exposure of evil darkness at work: pedophilia and child trafficking! Time for ACTION!

You can buy tickets, "pay it forward" via donation for someone else to see it who cannot afford it ... or claim a Free ticket at:…



Nano Soma - Excellent Health and Immune Support utilizing very ancient formula Plus the DPE DefendPlanetEarth (a very advanced technology device to protect home, area from extreme weathers and even grow better crops).
Our NEW link: NanoSoma and 
DPE (Defend Planet Earth)

NuXtrax - iHeRQles and Liquid Gold (Plus the NEW Products) - Come and see! Our website: ID: 289958

NEUMI - Neumi for the Skin and Neumi Swish for the Inside. It is about the HydraStat Nano technology for this excellent Glutathione product!
website is:
Introduction for Neumi on Zoom:
Live: Noon PT, 1pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm

The AGE Pill and more: Sisel International
ID: 10216157
customer service: 801-704-6700

"Zorra Calls" Replay recent link:

6-4-2023 with Sponsor, Donna A and Jim Barnett Founder _zorraofhollowearth-1023047-99.mp3

5-27-2-23 Tom Paladino and his website:
Come and learn about what and how it assists the body come back into balance and full health. He also has a 15 day FREE trial to experience it for yourself and family! 
REPLAY: 5-27-2023 270704.mp3

Gregory Paley from 2 weeks ago. He has a line of high vibrational products to assist in your healing and wellness. It starts with "Lightning H2O"
Tel: 805-325-0015 (early mornings Pacific is preferable) NO website.

*************************** (Hight Frequency Healing esp. with those suffering from the Jabs and 
other ailments: 
"Remote' Enhanced Energy System (EES). This very high frequency is off-technology of SandraRose Michael, PhD.
Phone Dr. Stella's office: 702-352-3021


Other Recommendations:

Medical Intuitive Healer - Ken Wagner

Nancy Wallace - Psychic - Intuitive Life Coach

Diamond Alignment with Jacqueline Joy:
Receive Very high vibrations for increasing your frequency and for healing. Their website:

BodyWaveInternational with Catherine Golden and 
RontheInventor: Receive the tools to wear to heal the body from head to toe with high frequencies.

Christine Light Lemurian Crystal Headbands,
Healing shoe inserts, Harmonizers etc.

Dianne Robbins Books and Audios: Messsages from the Hollow Earth, Telos, Tree Talk, Crystal Kingdom, The Call Goes Out From the Cetaceans

Lynda Jane Selina - Psychic, Medium, Mentor

Peter Sterling - Angelic healing music and mandalas

Intuitive Painting - Kathleen Beening
Note: "new website" - intuitive painting how it is done on video!
Email: or 
call 847-757-1530

RV Process: Simple Instructions- Fleming Report

03/27/2021 Podcast of Redemption Process
(be discerning until we receive our 
final notifications)

For the initial RV preparation from Dr. Kyre go to our website: and 1) sign up for our newsletters for upcoming info for RV Process and calls. 2) Click Services at the top and scroll down to Dr. Kyre's Documents. They contain the steps and instructions to assist in the RV Preparation Process.


Image on the Left shows hand placement for those in the Northern Hemisphere. (above the equator)
Image on the Right shows hand placement for those in the Southern Hemisphere. (below the equator)
Directions: Taste your water or fruit (any food)first before beginning. Then rub your palms together for 3-4 seconds and place in the position above for 1-2 min. Then re-taste the glass of water or food. If done properly, you will taste a subtle difference. 
Result of this purification technique: You change the molecular structure of the water or whatever food it is. This is your god power at work removing toxins, chemicals or any impurity. Now the food or water tastes smoother, cooler fresher or in the case of fruit, it will taste sweeter. You will taste the difference. If you don't taste a difference, you just need a little more practice is all.

For food, this is a wonderful technique to teach children, family, friends or with waiters or waitresses when you go out to eat. Let them do the technique in front of you and they will be amazed.

Additionally, you can use this for healing people but you can also, just rub your hands together and place your hands on either side of the affected area and say, 5-4-3-2-1, RECEIVE, and the recipient should say, 5-4-3-2-1, I receive and from the god/goddess of my being, I am completely healed of _____ and I know it. You can keep your hands on the area for a 2 minutes of even more and repeat the process.

Inform them of the god/goddess power they have. We are all healers!

Come and visit our website:


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