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"How to Grow Through, Not Woe Through Adversity" offers a profound exploration into the transformative power of resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Through compelling insights and practical guidance, the episode illuminates the mindset shifts necessary to navigate adversity as a catalyst for personal growth and empowerment. By reframing difficulties as opportunities for learning and self-discovery, viewers are encouraged to embrace adversity as a pathway to resilience, strength, and ultimately, fulfillment.

The Sports Doctor with Dr. Robert Weil

Guests, Dr. Gary Sprouse and Hilary Loftus

Call To Decision with Pastor Butch Paugh

Milan Vukovic with the Taheebo Tea club will be discussing the benefits with callers of this "special tea".

Everyone Has A Story To Share.
We Invite You To Share YOURS!

Many Of Us Have Personal Experiences That Defy Mainstream Thinking. Join Us As We Explore The Types Of Experiences That People Have, What They Mean, And How We Can Integrate Them Into Our Daily Lives.

(Although Mediums Provide A Valuable Connection To The Deceased, This Show Centers Around YOUR Direct Experiences Which Do Not Involve A Medium.)

Collect Your Stories and Join Us Tonight!
Thursday, May 23rd
8:00 PM Eastern (Check Your Time Zone)

Sound Healing with David Gibson

Voice Analysis, voice analysis programs

The True History with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and guests

There are over 100,000 people on the waiting list for organ transplants in the U.S. This episode
delves into the complex landscape of organ donation, exploring both the profound impact it has on saving lives and the hurdles faced in its implementation.

The Sports Doctor with Dr. Robert Weil

Guests, Sheila Thelen and Dr. Sarah Michaud

Call To Decision with Pastor Butch Paugh

Dr Ingrid Skop, Roe Vs Wade, Murdering Children in the womb, The Kill Pill

Dr. Ingrid Skop, Senior Fellow and Director of Medical Affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute.

After 25 years of obstetrics and gynecology private practice, I am thrilled to join the Charlotte Lozier Institute, where I will promote the "science of life" through research, writing and testimony. Still delivering babies through part-time work as an obstetric hospitalist though-can't give up my favorite part of the job!