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Guest Name
Marla Martenson
Marla Martenson
Guest Occupation
Matchmaker, certified life force energy healer, Reiki practitioner, crystal healer, author, speaker & sometimes actress
Guest Biography

I’m a real life Cupid.

Yep, I shoot my arrow of love on a daily basis, scouring the globe for soulmates. I’ve been a professional matchmaker for 15 years helping countless couples connect with their true love and go on to marriage.

My confession is that my years of working with singles has brought me to the realization that if we aren’t madly in love with ourselves and absolutely love our own life, it doesn’t matter if Prince Charming rides  into your neighborhood, he is going to gallop right on by your house.

You see, when you KNOW that you are worthy, special, unique and fan-freaking-tabulous and you leap out of bed each morning because life is so darn fun, your energy will radiate out into the universe and opportunities will unfold in front of you like a magic red carpet.

I’m here to help remind you of your worth, your passion and your divine spark!

I love being me and I believe that YOU are special, beautiful, with gifts to share, and have a perfect soul mate that you will connect with once you embrace your uniqueness and love yourself.

Finding your inner kid will help you bring the joy back into your daily life. I don’t know about you, but I refuse to let age dull my sizzle and zazzle.

I’m a Gemini, so there are not one, but two wacky redheads residing in this space, and even with two of us, there are not enough hours in the day to do all of the things that grab my attention. I have so many interests, that my husband Adolfo has asked me on several occasions, “Marlita, do you want to go to the moon too?”