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Dear Sri and Kira

Hello! i'm Céline, You have spoken to me via sunday's  radio show.  Saddly,  the internet was off here since i wrote you!  got it back this morning and just finished  listening to Sunday's radio bb1. It is tuesday the 22 of april, and  7:48 am.
Thank you for reading my letter and sharring it. You are for real!!!  i have doubted you for so long!  Sorry.

I do hope to meet you one day,  i can just feel  those hugs right now.   For the record!:  i do not live in France,  i live in  the province of québec Canada.  60 miles north of Montreal, in the  country.

So, If you ever come to montreal, i will  see you! Altyhough I would prefer to go to guatemala!!!

How much would it cost for a week with you?   I am serious.  I will find some money somehow.

For now i do  have a question:   why  can i not  stop smoking thes awfull cigarettes?
Yes, much love,  Sorry to inconvenience you in any way. ( with all my questions!)

Thank you for all the free  videos and talks, and thank you  for all the work you do in our  universe.
Take care
Au revoir et à la prochaine!
Je vous aime
Céline A.

Dear Sri & Kira

Thank you for the work that you do and the willingness to share yourselves. Like many people I have been going through some major transformations for what seems like  decades.

My husband and I have a healing center in Massachusetts. I am a chiropractor, astrologer, numerologist & teacher and Michael is an energy healer and artist. We opened our door 5 years ago and since then we have had one challenge after the other, physical, financial, emotional, relational.

To say we have been through the ringer is an understatement. Yet I believed in this project, powering through one obstacle after the other. I am also the sole caretaker for my adoptive mother, she's 93 and a quadruple Leo. Yet I have hit the  proverbial wall.

Frankly I"m exhausted. I'm aware that we are moving through the eye of the needle right now. Astrologically my Sun at 12 degrees of Cancer is in the cross hairs of this Cardinal t-square/Grand Square so I understand I'm going through a profound transformation.

We are on the verge of loosing what we have built here, and if that is what the universe requires then I will surrender to it. I have so little perspective on this situation. And herein lies the question.

What do you see for me, for the healing center (called The Seeds of Transformation Healing Center) and for Michael (who has brought through a new healing frequency he calls ~Receivings~.

Any insight would be gratefully appreciated. Over the years you have been a bright light on my path and trusted spiritual guidance for me.

Thank you with all my heart

Vicki Scerbo, D.C.

Dear Sri and Kira,

I would just first of all, love to say how much I love your radio shows - I tune in every week and grow so much from your wisdom and insights and am truly uplifted by your beautiful energy - you guys are an inspiration in my life.

I would also like to take a moment to say thankyou so much for your incredibly powerful courses... I have recently undertaken the Ascended Numerology course and the Avesa Energy Balancing course and both have deeply and truly healed my being on so many levels and transformed my life beyond what I thought could be. I am about to embark upon the Quantum Clairvoyance course too, which I am excited about. I really enjoy providing these profound gifts to others and I look forward to expanding these as my service to the world.   I have done many other healing modalities, but nothing is quite amazingly powerful, deep and true as the healing energy that comes from your practices and courses.

I am doing all of your home-study courses as I can, practicing them them in the capacity I am able to and expanding my being, abilities and service. I would love to come do your Master courses with you one day - I do hope you will be doing more of these beyond 2014? :) 

Now for my question:) I know it is part of my path to open a healing centre to hold teachings and healings, and just be a space of healing and anchoring of the light and divine energy.  I am expecting twins in June and also know that this beautiful part of my path will be taking alot of my time for quite a while.
I would just like some guidance as to when will be the best time for this healing centre to come into fruition and how would be the best way for me to create and manifest the resources required for it?  Thanking you dearly.

In love, light and gratitude - Suzie xxx

Dear Sri and Kira,

I was lying on my bed in a state of stunned amazement as you read out my
e mail last week and gave me a beautiful mini soul reading...thank you
thank you thank you !

It has triggered a massive " wobble" on all levels, and was obviously
incredibly powerful for me. I have been stuck in the 4th dimensional
astral plug for 26 years now, and am truly hoping my breakthrough is not
too far away, because I truly wish to serve in the world, and at present
am confined to my bedroom!

Do you see me breaking through soon?!!

Much love, and crystalline blessings!

Joy Crystal xx

Sent from my iPad

Dear Sri and Kira!

Is it just me? Stress from my job? Or is everyone really busy in the dreamtime?? I wake up feeling like I had a very hectic evening and not feeling very rested for the day. I don't remember anything all. Does it have anything to do with time speeding up? Or is it just the Firey April energies?

Just a comment on something you mentioned recently about listening to music that makes you feel good.

I work in a kitchen and there's about 6-8 other co-workers that share the Pandora radio station. Most of the day I tolerate other people's music because we are supposed to take turns or else the radio gets unplugged. I even discovered music I enjoy that I never knew about!

This one young fellow enjoys listening to death metal.   Everyone is supposed to get a chance with the radio as long as it's not too noisy. His music is very slow, and melancholy. I can't just remove myself from the situation. It starts to feel very draining and I count down the minutes to leave the place or else change the station, which happens often.

So I recently discovered this song. You may have already heard it. On your radio show I often hear you tell people to dance!! This is a really fun song. It's called "happy". It makes ME want to dance!!!

Also, there are times when I do a spiritual practice, like the breath of light, I question if I'm doing it correctly! I question my manifesting abilities. So, I felt this need to research Archangels that support and guide us through career change/life purpose/ etc. This was after the radio show on Sunday. I had  moments of tears during the show!  I felt like I was Divinely guided to ask the Archangels for help. I haven't been able to manifest or discover what it is I want to do/ I want to be of service in this lifetime. I am so ready for change! I love that quote Sri made when talking about another person having an amazing life....instead of being jealous or envious, simply state "I want that!" I said that a few times today. hahah I AM READY to live an amazing life! You say this is possible. I don't want to sabotage my chances of living the life of my dreams!

The two of you are so much fun to listen to and I appreciate that you are anchors for all of us! I know this letter sounds choppy and scattered. I wanted to say Hello and Thank you and just share what's going on in my life. Thank you for loving us!

Hugs and Kisses,

Lorraine in Maine!! :)

"Thank you all so much for allowing me to speak on Kimmie's show.  Kimmie, you are a tremendous hostess! Your questions and insight are literally right on.  I cannot thank you enough for enabling me to share what I hope will be compassionate and helpful information to so many grieving families.  The service you are providing is simply invaluable.  Again, thank you for this wonderful opportunity."

~Tina Erwin, CDR, USN, Author of The Lightworker’s Guide to Healing Grief

"I always look forward to being interviewed by Kimmie Zapf. She is a great radio host with an exceptional talent for asking penetrating questions. I believe it is Kimmie's experiences in the expanded fields of reality that makes her such a magnetic and powerful soul."        

~ Dannion Brinkley, Author of Bestselling SAVED BY THE LIGHT

I never write in to you but I just wanted to express what a helpfull show you give us - I so appreciate the information given.


Thank you Dr. Miller for covering such a controvercial subject - and you present it with such clarity and depth - looking forward to the unfolding of what you have researched!


I am Wendy from China. I listen to BBS radio station 1 everyday, and loved all the songs you played. I can't catch every word. May I have all songs name?

Thank you! Thank you!

My friend Debrah told me about your show so I listened - what a great concept for a piano bar feel! Your wife and you sing very well together. I am Irish and loved the songs for St. Patrick's day but you sang all the songs I would have requested. How about "Fly Me To The Moon"? Thank you!

Patrick O'Brien

Truly love your poetry . . . and that you share it - don't stop. Its the most truthfull poetry I have ever heard.


thanks so much for the encouragement week after week and your amazing energy - can I take you home?  love your show!



Firstly a HUGE thank you to for having me as a guest on your show. It was great to discuss "From suicide to success" and powerfully, as a result, over 5,000 people downloaded my free eBook New Year's Revolution.

Perto, I wanted to thank you personally for making that happen (the interest that I have had from a significant book publisher as a result has been mind blowing!)

Secondly, I wanted to invite you to my personal development group on Facebook entitled: I work in personal development (click to join) this is not only a group of 1,100 people (at last count) of personal development/well-being experts from around the world that is growing by at least 100 people per week (sometimes per day).

But this is an audience how have a perfect story to tell on your radio show and so I wanted to invited you to this Facebook group (obviously it's free) to meet, interact and help us to grow as a powerful community together.

Feel free to hit the link and join us.

If you don't mind I would also like to stay in touch as my book deal unravels!

I look forward to seeing you in the Facebook group,


What a great show tonight - very moving and real - Rochelle's skit about being a child brought tears to my eyes - now I know what the "laughing heart" means. Sometimes I'm floored by "your naked truth" - keep the topics coming . . .


What a powerful show on Monday - I was truly moved. Thank you for all the work you are doing to heal even those that hurt you - I have so much to learn from you.

Hey Steve! Maybe I could convince Doug to insert "audience applause" as a sound effect into your show somehow !  Loved the Mister Rogers song - I remember that show with the little boy in the wheelchair -he also appeared as a grown man at one of Fred's award shows -  wow!

I have a  piano request - its late on Tuesday night but maybe for next week - can you play the 1st Gymnopedie by Erik Satie?

Love you both,

Debrah and Doug


Great show! The two of you remind me of the old variety shows that were so comfortable to watch! I clap for you all the time - wish I could send it to you!


Interesting - that Mister Rogers song brought back some memories - I always liked that song but didn't know anyone still remembered him. Boy, you sure play the gambit of music Steve - remarkable - love your show!

From Sadie's mom, Amy, regarding the Mister Rogers song - "Its You I LIke" -

"We are listening to it right now! What an excellent piano player! Wow!"

Thank you!!!!!!

Amy, Nathan and little Sadie