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Physicist, Senior Engineering Specialist, Fusion Investigator, Professor, Writer, 9-11 Truther, Archaeometrist
Physicist, Director, Scientist, Inventor, Project Earth Founder, New Energy Technology Developer
Neuroscientist, Chiropractor, Lecturer, Author, Educator, Writer, Scientist, Researcher, Teacher, Medical Expert
Teacher, Author, Consciousness Transformation Facilitator, Special Forces Green Beret Officer, Speaker
Author, Surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Natural Medicine, Age Management Researcher, Chelation Certified
Author, director, journalist, film photographer, Knights Templar Researcher, Medieval Church Researcher
Drill Instructor, U.S. Air Force, Senior Strategic Analyst, Projects Manager, International Trouble Shooter, Aerospace Consultant, APeX Developer
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher, Esoteric Researcher, Lecturer, Teacher, Author
Authority on Near Death, Near Death Researcher, Scientist, Author, Writer, Columnist, Director, Forms Analyst, Entrepreneur, Altered States Investigator, Hypnotist, Numerologist, Astrologer, Speaker, Therapeutic Counselor