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Show Summary #28

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Democracy for Socialism”

The Chinese often say, “May you live in interesting times.” Our times are telling us that change is everywhere around us. From technology, political leadership, financial developments, health care and global configurations, to crime, family, schools, public morality, even how your next-door neighbor watches you. How do you fit in to our times?

You 'bout ready for another episode of comic relief and insight into the out there, with host Marty Ford!

Another power packed hour with host Marty Ford! Power up your Power because the Power is within you!

Radio Personality - Internet T.V. Show Host - Author - Motivational Speaker

This episode centered around the idea of how Extra-terrestrial information enhances the Yoga teachings with a focus on our ET heritage.

LUISA RASIEJ - What's Your Story?

"Once upon a time..." is the beginning of many a story, including the ones that create your life. Often you live out these stories and they keep you stuck, with no way out and certainly without a happy outcome. We will explore how you can change the stories that define you and create more of your desires.

Elizabeth Joyce interviews Roberta Hladek from EMC2, the AIM Program. As indicated by the title of the book, Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness, the AIM experience offers a vehicle to help you in your journey toward physical, emotional and spiritual expansion. Participants on this unique journey receive the AIM Program’s energetic balancing frequencies, 24/7. They often report a heightened sense of well-being, which they associate with their participation in the AIM Program.

David Christopher Lewis  

is an author, spiritual speaker and a current day Messenger. His new book, Advanced Studies of the Human Aura, available September, 2013 provides a deeper understanding of this powerful energy field. David’s highly original and influential work gives keys to increasing your auric light to accelerate your consciousness, and move from a sense of limitation to unbounded cosmic awareness and abundance. In September, David will conduct a booktour and lecture series in 26 cities across the western U.S.

Madalyn Suzzo, Medical Clairvoyant, Teacher, Healer, Seer — The closest definition I’ve come up with for myself is “Sacred Biologist.” I’ve spent my life trying to understand the emanations of energy and signals I see in people and all life around me. This led to being a lifetime professional Seer able to pierce the veil of separation most people seem to live with; allowing me to access mind-body wisdom and to become a Vibrational Medicine expert.

M.D. Kaczkowski is president of The Center for Alloplastic Facial Reconstruction in Little Rock, AR, where he serves as lead practitioner, designing and fitting ocular and facial prosthetic reconstructions. He is also an artist and medical inventor, with many of his technologies in use by hundreds of patients worldwide.  He spends his time between his homes in Little Rock, AR and Brandon, MS, enjoying the company of his wife, Pippa, and three children: Rachel, Daniel and Lily.