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Submitted by Julia Cannon on 18 May 2021

The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon

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Show Host:

Julia Cannon carries on the work of her mother, Dolores Cannon, who authored 19 Books (so far) and was a Past-Life Regressionist and Hypnotherapist who specialized in the recovery and cataloging of Lost Knowledge. Dolores is widely acknowledged as a leading authority on Nostradamus and considered the World's Foremost Expert on his Prophecies. She passed to the next realm in Oct, 2014 and now continues to work and inspire from beyond the veil.

Dolores' powerful method, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), was developed over the last 50 years as her technique to not only unlock the Lost Knowledge captured in her books but also to provide amazing and life changing physical, spiritual and emotional healing to her personal clients. Her method is still being taught by Julia and through a series of online classes that Dolores developed before her passing and is in use by over 5,000 practitioners around the globe today..

Julia, a renowned author in her own right (Soul Speak) continues to run the company's publishing, academy and media businesses in addition to bringing Dolores' vision of the Cannon University of Metaphysical Studies into reality.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
7:00 pm CT
7:55 pm CT

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

The Metaphysical Hour , January 5, 2018 with Julia Cannon and guest Garnet Schulhauser
The Metaphysical Hour , November 22, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Jovy Wan
The Metaphysical Hour , October 20, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Diane Lewis
The Metaphysical Hour , October 13, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guests
The Metaphysical Hour , October 6, 2017 with Julia Cannon
The Metaphysical Hour , September 29, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Kaya Wittenburg
The Metaphysical Hour , August 10, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Andy Myers
The Metaphysical Hour , August 4, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guests Alan & Sandra
The Metaphysical Hour , July 28, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Diane Morrison
The Metaphysical Hour , July 14, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Jane Ishii
The Metaphysical Hour , May 26, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Donna Lynn
The Metaphysical Hour , May 19, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Tricia McCannon
The Metaphysical Hour , April 21, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Erica Middlemiss
The Metaphysical Hour , April 7, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Race Hobbs
The Metaphysical Hour , March 31, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Debra Kauble
The Metaphysical Hour , March 24, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Mike Clelland
The Metaphysical Hour , March 17, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest James Clarkson
The Metaphysical Hour , February 24, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Grant Cameron
The Metaphysical Hour , February 10, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Forest Crawford
The Metaphysical Hour , January 27, 2017 with Julia Cannon and guest Tracie Mahan
Julia Cannon
Energy Healer, Nurse, Reconnective Healer, Past Life Therapist, Hypnotist, Author, Talk Show Host

Julia was born in Hutchinson, Kansas to Johnny and Dolores Cannon. Johnny was a career Navy man, so they moved frequently and she had the advantage of an open-minded up-bringing. She was raised with the understanding that psychic phenomenon and metaphysics were common place and she was always exploring new avenues of growth.

Julia became a registered nurse and worked in Intensive Care and Home Health for the duration of her 20+ year career. She then decided to explore other aspects of the healing profession and has trained in Reconnective Healing and Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.

Her energy healing has taken on its own dimension and has formed into something she calls “Lightcasting.” Intuitive lights come from the hands and eyes to direct energy where it is needed to balance any deficiencies in the body. This balancing may be happening on the physical, mental and/or spiritual level. While she is working in someone’s energy field, she gets intuitive messages/impressions of what is happening and what is needed to help the person bring about their healing.

When Julia does remote energy work, she is taken intuitively inside the body to see what the condition looks like and then she is given methods to correct the situations. This has been a spontaneous development that continues to amaze her in its applications.

Because of her nursing background, Julia brings a soothing mix of empathy, human body understanding and intuition to her work. She is available to do energy/light work in person and remotely.

Julia has now written about what she has learned from working alongside of her mother Dolores Cannon in how the body communicates a special language to us. This book is "Soul Speak - The Language of Your Body." Her intuitive abilities continue to grow and she is very excited to share and help others to discover and develop their innate, natural abilities.