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Political Activist, Teacher, Educator, Independent Researcher, Doctor of Alternative Medicine, Author, Lecturer, Expert Witness, Speaker, Publisher, Tribal Administrator, Village Planner, Executive Director, Consultant
Special Effects Expert, Alternative Energy Researcher, Inventor
Astrophysicist, Nuclear Physicist, Engineer, Chemist, Scientist, Researcher, Professor, Consultant, Advisor, U.S. Delegate, Lecturer, Writer, Author, Inventor, Who's Who
Scientist, Writer, Researcher, Free Energy Activist
Physicist, Mathematician, Cosmologist, Environmental Engineer, Planner, International Consultant, Environmental Science Doctorate, Advisor, Author, Scholar, Scientist, Philospher, Editor, Assessor, Hydrologist, Consciousness Explorer
Engineer, Doctor in Physics, Space Researcher, Scientist, Writer, Experimentalist, Gravity Control Theorist, Author
Systems Analyst, Sacred Geometry Expert, Inventor, Lecturer, Consciousness Explorer, Consultant
Filmmaker, Political Activist, Journalist, Chemtrails Researcher
Author, Researcher, Businessman, Archaeologist, Teacher, Anthropologist, Sociologist, Ancient Civilization Expert, Professor, TV Editor, Producer, Lecturer
Astronomer, Computer Science Doctorate, Venture Capitalist, Information Technology Specialist, Writer, Advisor, Author