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Founder and President of the Anniue Appleseed Project, Public Speaker, Autho, Consumer Advocate
Founder and Director of the Evolutionary Collective, An Internationally recognized contemporary Spiritual Teacher, Transformation Educator, Public Speaker, Workshop Leader, Host of the popular global webcast Evolutionary Collective Conversations (ECC)
Channel/Energy Transmitter of QuanYin, Bodhisattva of Compassion, since 1992, Founding Director of the QuanYin Creation Center, Visual Artist, Singer & Songwriter
Author, Thought Leader on Psychology and Spirituality, Licensed Psychotherapist, Life and Business Coach, Integrated Energy Healer, Nondual Kabbalistic Healer, Professional Speaker, Radio Talk Show Host

My guest on Shaman's Keep will be Steven Ash, author of "Sacred Drumming". He was born in Britain, but grew up on Native American reservations in Canada where his father was the reservation doctor. Steven learned healing and natural medicine with his father, and later lived and studied with Ted Williams, Chief and Medicine Man for the Raven Tribe. He was given the name, Buffalo Spirit Man, and given the honor of being a pipe carrier by Ed McGaa, Eagle Man. He now resides in the UK where he teaches alternative healing methods at the College of Sound Healing.