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MARK DODICH,  December 31, 2012 — ASTROLOGER COMES  to tell us about the year of 2013, and coming intense months. Mark comes to "Let's Find Out" again to share with us news about the November eclipses and the focus of the Winter Solstice. There are political changes, financial changes, and earth changes ahead, and Mark will tell us how all this will come about. THIS IS A CALL IN SHOW, so please get your questions ready and give us a call.

September 23, 2012 - Astrologer Mark Dodich talks about the Fall Equinox and the energies leading up to December 21, 2012. Who may win the upcoming election and what's ahead for 2013?  Mark is an excellent astrologer and is considered the country's best relocation astrologer.

Let's Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce returns after a nine month absence.
June 18, 2012
Joining Elizabeth tonight is the famed astrologer, Mark Dodich.


MARK DODICH, ASTROLOGER‑Joins me to tell us about the Fall Equinox and coming winter of 2012 season months. Mark comes to "Let's Find Out" again to share with us news about the focus of the Fall and Winter eclipses. There are political changes, financial changes, and earth changes ahead, and Mark will tell us how all this will come about. THIS IS A CALL IN SHOW, so please get your questions ready and give us a call. Sunday, September 18th at 6:00 PM Pacific and 9:00 PM Eastern on "Let's Find Out."

SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2011  

MARK DODICH, ASTROLOGER‑COMES  to tell us about the Summer Solstice and coming summer months. Mark comes to "Let's Find Out"  again to share with us news about the three June eclipses and the focus of the Summer Solstice. There are political changes, financial changes, and earth changes ahead, and Mark will tell us how all this will come about. THIS IS A CALL IN SHOW, so please get your questions ready and give us a call. Sunday, June 26th at 6:00 PM Pacific and 9:00 PM Eastern on "Let's Find Out."

Antonia Lau is deeply studied metaphysician and spiritual expert with over 50 years of focused, research, confirmation and positive practice.  A Professional Celebrity Psychic with over 50,000+ worldwide readings for over 33 years, along with being Clairvoyant. Clairaudient and well versed in the disciplines Tarot, Spiritual/Evolutionary Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and Graphology, she actually sees and hears the clients Guide/Guardian angel, long before it was popular in the mainstream. We take calls from our listeners who have questions for Antonia.

SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2011  THE SPRING EQUINOX — CHANGE AND GROWTH ARE ON THE WAY  — The famed astrologer, Mark Dodich, returns to "Let's Find Out" to bring us the astrology predictions for 2011. With the current eclipse and six planets moving into Aries, you will need lots of patience and planning in the next few months. Be careful, in the kitchen, with electronic tools and computers as well as with your driving. Watch your temper and don't allow yourself to get drawn into either family or business drama.

Sudden Upsets, Egos, Anger, and the desire to take over, during times of change!

SUNDAY February 20th—9:00 PM Eastern - Elizabeth Joyce will speak to Kim Marie Weimer who is the Director of the Evolutionary Astrology Network and EAN's Multi-Media Course worldwide. She has studied and practiced EA for 26 years, and counsels an international clientele as an astrologer and teacher. Kim Marie’s background includes experience in alternative healing and environmental politics.

SUNDAY – January 2, 2011


Sunday night, January 2nd at 6:00 PM Pacific, Elizabeth Joyce interviews the famed astrologer Mark Dodich.