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August 9, 2023
Padma Aon Prakasha

This Book is being released Oct 1, 2023 worldwide through O Books. This transformational wisdom has beenkept within the Saivite Indian lineage for millennia, and has not been released to the general public until NOW

The Maheshwara Sutra is the ultimate guide to sound consciousness in the Vedic tradition, given by Shiva over 2200 years ago after his iconic Dance of destruction and creation. It is the clearest exposition of the world being created by sound vibration ever recorded. 

The Maheshwara Sutra was revealed by Shiva through his Drum. Each beat weaves the matrix of life, dynamically creating the universe and human being in 42 sound vibrations. Each sound unfolds the universal creative process, from the quantum field and Big Bang to the mind, breath, sexuality, chakras and all elements of creation.

The Maheshwara Sutra is Shiva’s holographic Creation of Everything, the original yoga of sound. Its 42 Sound Keys create 42 vibrational shifts within you, which can align you into the quantum blueprint of creation. Shiva’s Hologram: The Maheshwara Sutra is a science of consciousness, explaining the sounds that form yourself, opening doors into using sound never revealed before. Shiva’s Hologram: The Maheshwara Sutra translates this ancient wisdom into contemporary relevance and practice through quantum physics, sacred geometry, the union of masculine and feminine Shiva-Shakti, and the wisdom of India’s greatest masters. 


Padma is a 21st-century wisdom author and transformational teacher, who brings sacred wisdom and modern sciences of consciousness together to create transformational journeys and experiences. He makes the inaccessible simple, and the ancient contemporary and practical for today. Padma’s 8 books and 5 music albums are drawn from the sacred traditions he has been initiated into.He has taught in over 22 countries, spreading wisdom from western and eastern sacred traditions. Padma lives and breathes what he writes and teaches, and when he is not unraveling the mysteries of the universe, he is a devoted father.

August 2, 2023
David Alan Benson

Greeting Q, I am David Alan Benson. I was born on May 7th 1947 to Richard John Benson and Pauline Swisher Benson at the Bridgeport General Hospital in Bridgeport, Connecticut.  I have received two years of college education as a preparation veterinary school of medicine student at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas from 1965 through 1967.  I left my college dream while on academic probation and joined the USAF on February 1st 1968.  I was trained as a veterinary technician specialist and began my first assignment in Adana, Turkey at Incirlik AB in September of 1968.  I am also a Vietnam Veteran that served there from December of 1970 through December of 1971.  I have been married three times, divorced from first wife and widowed from second wife with her passing from ovarian cancer after a 25 year marriage.  I am estranged from her family members except from her brother who also was a USAF Veteran.  My present wife has been widowed twice before and is member of the Purple Heart Veterans Wife's Organization.  I have numerous life experiences that could never be used in the medical field of discipline since I only held training as a Hypnotherapist while studying at the International College of Hypnosis Studies in Miami, Florida paid for by the GI Bill while I was on active Air Force duty at Homestead AFB in Homestead, Florida.  I have received an Esprit de Corps Award from classmates in 1979 while attending the Tactical Fighter Command's NCO Academy at Bergstrom AFB in Austin, Texas. My ability to communicate with a broad variety of humans from various cultural backgrounds and careers or occupations has brought me great satisfaction and assisted me in earning my daily bread throughout the 70 years of my life prior ot retirement.

My dream is to create a consulting and ,mental relaxation clinic using my skills at inducing Progressive Relaxation through simple hypnotic verbal inductions and presentation of suggestions which subjects will find inclusively adapted within their daily lives for calming and centering.  I am also a practitioner of Genius Insight Applications which use frequencies similar to Rife's to center the expenditure of bodily energies within the chakra centers by making analyses within an algorithm based upon scans done from subjects voice reciting their name and the vowels; as well as from a recent photograph.  I do not need to perform the collection of required data in person but can use an application found here : this application is called Insight Quanta Capsules.  The subjects can be provided with a capsule for free or by purchase and then from their cellphones send a request to my email for an analysis as well state the problem symptoms that they believe might be causing them stress.  Note, this Genius Insight App is not a diagnostic tool but using its algorithm data bank to select frequencies to lower areas that are expending too much energy and to raise other areas that seem too low and needing more energy to function more effectively.  I am also associated with another community of persons that believe that they have been taken/abducted into covert projects and made into Super Soldiers and are having memories of 20 and Back experiences on other planets, asteroids and universes.  So, I am free to be used for past life regressions through hypnosis without the use of mind altering drugs.  I have personally had telepathic communications with a passed over relative who in the 1970's was publishing under the name of Aram Church Publications and while I was serving in Vietnam he used a new value for Pi.

3.1565656 multiplied by 3.5555555 (parsec value) times eleven (11) = 123.45678

Then the source of Aramath (area and radius mathematics) passed in October of 1986 I went into an altered state of consciousness in October of 2008 while reading Wired Magazine; as the to my visual perception the center pages of the magazine went blank.  Then four ones appeared on the left and four more ones appeared on the right and I asked silently what do I do with these; then a thought to make the center fold a decimal  point.  Okay. so now what?  Another thought was to square the expression.

(1111.1111.)(1111.1111) = 1234567.8 was my product.  I could see the similarity of the first equation's result using Pi was 3.1565656 and a ParSec value of 3.5555555 times each other and then times eleven.

Playing with a scientific calculator I squared (11111111)(11111111)=123456787654321 an octave harmonic valuation of integers. no zeros nor 9s.  

Mathematics was never consciously my best subject and had to take college algebra to raise a failing grade while going to Kansas State University during my off-duty hours in Vietnam at the University of Maryland Extension on Bien Hoa AB, RVN.

So, my passion is to work with the art of hypnotic inductions and presentation of positive suggestions within the subconscious minds of the subjects seeking relief from stress, confusion about our ascending into higher dimensional realities that newly awakened souls heretofore have been cognitively dissonant about and therefore the shock of its actual presence within their sensory receptors of mind and sight need calming as their subconscious deals to heal them.

Thank-you for your time Q.

David Alan Benson 


Born male in 1947 on May 7th in Bridgeport, Connecticut.  Parents were both WWII US Army Air Corps Veterans.  I was the second of three children.  I disarmed a traffic cop while being held in my fathers' arms as he talked to this policeman in the middle of a busy four lane avenue in Bridgeport, Connecticut.  I knew that after watching Jules Verne's 20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea movie at age 5 that we were living on a prison planet.  Moved from Connecticut to Illinois around 1954 while I was in second grade.  Moved to Saginaw, Michigan in 1957 when in 5th grade.  Moved to Huntington Long Island, New York when I was in 8th grade (1960)  and in 1961 during my freshman year of High School I moved to Rockaway Borough, New Jersey and attended Morris Hills Regional High School graduating in 1965.  My father's mother, Clara K Benson came to live with us about a year before we moved to New Jersey and I learned of my family's Austrian Hungarian Empire's background.  I had my parents sponsor an exchange student from Switzerland in 1963-64 school year.  I suffered my first emotional shock while a sophomore in High School when my pet dog was run over by a car on the street in front of our house and when I was given his body by my father to bury in the yard. This drove me emotionally to want to become a veterinarian; but I was not academically equipped to compete with other students as was seen by scholastic records.  After enlisting in the USAF and waiting for induction I went to Killington, Vermont on a skiing vacation and extended it several weeks by becoming a Bed and Breakfast Host making beds and serving breakfasts.

I was an excellent airman during my military career but did suffer from chronic depression while on assignment with the USN at Rota Naval Air Station in Spain and was hospitalized and returned to the states for treatment.  I regained my composure and continued to excel within my career field but after returning from Okinawa, Japan while on an unaccompanied tour of 18 months my wife's mother met me at the airport in Dallas, Texas.  The marriage was on the rocks and I was in the process of cross-training to the computer operations field so I had little time to work out any home life problems since I thought my military career was a  primary source of income for the family.  After graduating from Computer Operator School in Kessler AFB, Boloxi, Mississippi I was assigned to Eglin AFB in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. It was during my accelerated training to obtain a 7 level proficiency rating and advancement to the grade of Master Sergeant I received my petition for divorce from the Court House in Lamar County of Texas.  So, while I was in Okinawa our household goods was held within a storage facility until my return and could acquire my family, but that was not going to happen and I rented a UHaul Truck and drove these household goods to Paris, Texas for my ex-wife, stepdaughter and son to have furniture and necessary things for a normal life.

After returning to Eglin AFB my roommate decided to have a marijuana and drug party in the woods off from where we where living in a concrete bricked cabin on the shore of Choctawatchee Bay.  Most of his party members were also assigned to the Site C-6 Radar Installation and shortly afterwards my roommate left for a TDY to Kessler AFB to interview for an Instructor job at the Electronic School.  I called the OSI to come to the cabin and check out his stash of tobacco looking substance.  I was told by the OSI officers that I might need to move to a new location as things could get uncomfortable, so I looked for a new place to live and hunting the ads in the local paper I found a roommate wanted ad for living in an apartment on Santa Rosa Island in Fort Walton Beach..  I also turned down a reassignment offer to go to Offet AFB in Nebraska.  My new roommate was a veteran of Vietnam,and served in the USA Army and had a brother in the Air Force here at Eglin.  I found out later that he was charged with murdering a fellow Army GI over a poker game in which he claims the man cheated so he shot him from under the table.  The US Army tried to cover up the killing and to rid themselves of him through assigning him duties that were beyond his training and put him in mortal danger of dying .

August 2, 2023
Yasmin Azad
I'd like to interest you in Yasmin Azad and her book Stay, Daughter in the book recounts what it was to be a Muslim girl in the Sri Lanka of the 50s and 60s was to have to stay inside once you hit puberty; where even a glimpse of flesh was forbidden; and where things were done the way they'd always been done. 
But Azad's family is full of love, humor and larger-than-life characters, despite the strictures half of them were under. And almost despite himself, Yasmin's father allows her an education - an education that would open the whole world to her, even as it risked closing her off from those she was closest to. An extraordinary portrait of a time and a community in the midst of profound change, Stay, Daughter vividly evokes a now-vanished world, but its central clash - that of tradition and modernity - is one that will always be with us.

“The resurgence of austere orthodox practices in the Islamic world, has, no doubt, its roots in complex geo-political issues,” says Azad, who now lives in Massachusetts. “But it's hard not to wonder whether such regression is also not, to a large extent, a push back against what is perceived as the evils of modernity.”


As Muslim women have become more educated and economically independent, they have also adopted new ideas about marriage and family. They are marrying later or not marrying at all. It is no longer unusual for them to marry outside their faith and community, nor to initiate divorce, the rates of which have skyrocketed in Sri Lanka as elsewhere in the Islamic world today. As the dual pressures of orthodox Islam and political fervor bear down, parents face the same challenge that came up three generations ago in the Galle Fort, when girls were first allowed to go to school.


How does one give a daughter her freedom while still upholding the traditions that sustain stable families and close-knit community? that is answered, with touching insight and deeply felt emotion in Stay, Daughter.


“A very raw, and personal look… The book looks at the complexities of the Muslim community.”

--BBC World News


"A loving and approachable coming-of-age story about generational change.

- Kirkus Reviews


"Yasmin Azad's Stay Daughter is a profound reflection on the dilemmas that Muslim women faced and are facing as orthodoxy and identity come up against freedom.”


- Radhika Coomaraswamy, Former Under Secretary-General of the United Nations


Azad is available to discuss the following:


·       Why Muslim communities that were once moderate and liberal turned to Islamic fundamentalism with such force in the late-20th and early-21st centuries. The headscarf that one mother and grandmother discarded has been willingly assumed by some of their daughters and granddaughters. 


·       What happens to conservative Muslim communities when women are educated and become more economically independent. For example, marriage rates have gone down, and divorce rates have gone up in many formerly very orthodox Muslim countries. 


·       The challenge of balancing the rules of orthodox Islam with the freedom and innovations of the modern world especially as it relates to how girls and women dress, travel, interact with boys and men, etc. 


·       Loneliness, isolation, and the lack of connection, and how it has impacted mental health in the modern world. The real epidemic in the world is now said to be depression. There is a marked increase, for example of girls deliberately injuring themselves.  


·       The challenges faced by a child who must straddle two cultures.  She is embarrassed and ashamed when the traditional culture she was born to does not meet the standards of more modern societies. Her relatives, for example, do not speak fluent English. 



·       The truth about women’s lives in traditional Muslim societies. They are not all oppressed and leading miserable lives. It is much more complex. Such societies also support the deep need most women have for community and connection. 







United States

Yasmin Azad is the author of Stay, Daughter, an engaging memoir of how a young Muslim girl grew up in Sri Lanka in the 1950s and ‘60s, and how she came to America after seeing what happens when cultures collide. Kirkus Reviews named her book as one of the best of the year.


Azad was among the first group of girls in her Muslim community in Sri Lanka to go away to university. Stay, Daughter draws on her experiences growing up in a close-knit, conservative society which had to deal with the challenge of reconciling the rules of Islamic orthodoxy with the freedoms and innovations of the modern world.


Born and raised in the Galle Fort, Sri Lanka (previously Ceylon) by a traditional Muslim family, she lived in what was a former colonial fortress, inhabited by Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and the Christian descendants of the Europeans who had colonized the island. Muslims are a 10% minority population in Sri Lanka, which is a Buddhist-majority nation. Her primary education was at Catholic schools run by Irish nuns, but her favorite teacher was a Hindu.


She came to America in the late 1970s and lived in Connecticut. She and her husband moved to Massachusetts and raised their three children there.


Azad had worked for over 20 years as an award-winning mental health counselor. She has a deep interest in the special and emotional repercussions on societies (both positive and negative), when women are raised in highly individualistic cultures as opposed to those that stress the importance of family and community.


She has been interviewed by, or featured in, numerous media outlets, including BBC World News, The National Magazine, Perspective Magazine, Daily News in Sri Lanka, and Sunday Island, in Sri Lanka.


Azad earned her BA in English from University of Ceylon, MA in English from University of Connecticut, and MA in Psychology from Fitchburg State college. She lectured in English for three years at University of Kelaniya, in Sri Lanka.



When she’s not writing essays and articles, she is gardening or practicing mindfulness meditation.

July 24, 2023
Sage Dye

    After my divorce, I developed a deep connection with God and myself and experienced more understanding of my purpose, and the areas in my life that needing healing. However, I also began to recognize, my weaknesses and my strengths. That's what ignited my passion for conservation, and wanting to impact the world in a positive way. I've spent the past 2 years, seeking clarity, becoming a better mother, a better listener, and having more appreciation, even in my struggles.

    My advice can go beyond raising awareness; I can empower individuals to take meaningful action. I'll share practical tips for reducing their self doubt, making conscious choices in their daily lives, and bringing to the light their self worth and their ability to transform their lives. If we all took time to enhance the natural born gifts we have, and use it for good, how much more healed people would exist?

    I believe in fostering genuine connections with people. During the show, I'll encourage listeners to share their own experiences, challenges, and successes , and how they to can add to this suffering world. Together, we'll explore innovative ideas and celebrate the positive impact each individual can make. It will be an enriching and empowering experience for all.

United States


Born and raised in the vibrant city of Bakersfield, CA, my life was marked by stability and the love of my close-knit family. Growing up with my parents and siblings provided me with a strong foundation and a sense of belonging that would shape my character in years to come.

At the age of 20, seeking adventure and a sense of purpose, I made a life-changing decision to join the Army. Serving in the military for 8 years was a transformative experience that allowed me to travel the world and immerse myself in diverse cultures. The encounters with people from all walks of life broadened my perspectives and enriched my understanding of humanity.

In the midst of my military career, at the age of 24, I found love and got married. Two years later, I welcomed the most precious gift into my life – my daughter. Motherhood brought new meaning and purpose, but life had more twists in store for me. At 28, I faced the challenge of divorce, a turning point that ignited a journey of self-discovery.

Amidst the process of healing and self-reflection, I found solace in photography. Capturing the essence of the world through the lens became my creative outlet and a source of catharsis. As I delved deeper into photography, I discovered an innate desire to connect with people on a profound level and inspire them to embrace their unique stories.

Driven by this newfound passion, I transitioned into the role of a Life Coach. Guiding others through their own journeys of self-discovery became my calling. Empowering individuals to overcome obstacles, discover their true potential, and pursue their dreams filled me with fulfillment like never before.

As I embarked on the path of personal growth, I realized that my calling extended beyond coaching. The experiences and wisdom gathered throughout my life had prepared me for something grander – public speaking. Speaking on a stage, sharing my stories, and igniting hope in the hearts of many became my ultimate goal.

With an unwavering determination, I began honing my public speaking skills. I immersed myself in mastering the art of eloquence and connecting with others. I seek every opportunity to share my journey, knowing that my words could serve as a guiding light for those navigating their own paths.

Today, I stand as a beacon of hope, ready to illuminate the lives of countless souls who cross my path. My journey from a stable life in Bakersfield to the boundless experiences of the Army, from marriage and motherhood to self-discovery through photography and coaching, has led me to this defining moment. As I embrace my destiny as a public speaker, I am committed to being the best version of myself and inspiring others to do the same. My light will shine brightly, illuminating the way for those seeking purpose and fulfillment in their own extraordinary journeys.



July 15, 2023
Anthony McGrath Tooton

Dear BBS:

My name is Anthony M. Tooton (IV) and after communicating with Donald he recommended I make a pitch! About three-and-a-half months ago, the following Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) article blasted out over the Internet, and my life - for better or worse - change overnight:

The relief which came along with ‘going public’ (while not mentioning names, or seeking retribution, when the incident which is mentioned in ‘public,’ there, for the first time) is palpable!

I want to let people know that PTSD, no matter it’s cause, can uproot and derail one’s life in the blink of an eye, however, there is ALWAYS a way out - Always.  Therefore, I would like to share my story to as wide an audience as possible - with the intention to help as many as provided the opportunity to!

There are many things which helped me along the way.. in a nutshell they are: New Friendships/ Unlikely Strangers/ Music/ and that which we don’t know exists. 

I thank you for the chance to share the above amd look forward to sharing much much more!





Hailing from St. John's, Newfoundland, Anthony M. Tooton is a filmmaker and media developer specializing in the documentary format. Tooton graduated OAC from the prestigious Ridley College in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada and eventually attended film school in Toronto, after winning an entrance scholarship. He cut his teeth with his 2006, 52-minute documentary film, "Restaurants are not Democracies!" which followed the irrepressible restaurateur Michael Carlevale and his esteemed colleagues: Franco Prevedello, John Maxwell, Peter Oliver, Massimo Capra, Aristedes Pasperakis, and Stephen Ricci - at the 'establishment' restaurant Prego Della Piazza. In 2012, Tooton analyzed an aspect of the cultural relevance comedy plays at the Eastern most point of North America - Newfoundland & Labrador - with his 28-minute NTV Comedy Special: "At Humour's Edge!" In addition, Tooton co-produced and edited an NTV Special relating to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with a piece on Jeremy Bennett. Tooton co-produced, co-directed and edited the documentary short 'Moment of Inspiration' which took a look at the life of Sr. Frederick Banting, in London, Ontario. He is now moving forward the recently completed, 70-minute, Tooton's Photography: In The Business Of Making Memories, which focuses on the story of his great-grandfather (of the same name) who immigrated to Newfoundland from Damascus, Syria; created a renowned relationship with Kodak founder Mr. George Eastman; and established Tooton's Photography - which processed and printed in excess of 100 million rolls of film, over its 90 year lifespan.

July 13, 2023

About Doing My Own Talk Show 

Shelby county

About My Own Talk Show 

July 10, 2023
Alicia Power
"SPIRIT INSIGHTS" from 40+ years Spirit Teacher and Soul Coach. 

From over 30 years as a professional Energy Healer and Spirit Communicator, Alicia holds knowledge from high Spirit Encounters that few can claim. From Global Dynamics, to the mystery of Consciousness, Alicia brings extraordinary teachings and 'Spirit Insight' to your audiences. 

Her training as a journalist gives her a unique skill to communicate in simple terms the secret world behind everyday challenges and problems.

An expert on Soul Purpose, Consciousness Evolution and Energy Healing, your audience will receive tools, experience transcendence, and feel new hope to inspire their hearts and minds.

Alicia has authored over 20 courses, has had 1.5 Million views on her YouTube channel and is a regular guest on Consciousness Tele-Summits.


After four decades of spiritual mastery training and teaching, Alicia Power passes on her knowledge of 'Awakening Deliberately'. 

Alicia's channeled courses and tele-seminars activate your inner divinity, your ascension - while teaching your logic to understand your journey.

With a journalism background, Alicia translates high spiritual knowledge into everyday useable tools that anyone can use. 

July 6, 2023
Reaux Fareal

Love to speak on my foundation, The Parlay Foundation. We have raised money to help pay off tuition for more than 100 HBCU students through a campaign we do online called "I Got 5 On It Fridays". My followers give $5 every Friday and the money goes to HBCU Students facing financial difficulties. I am equipped to speak on anything relating to Black Culture, Music, Politics, and News.


Reaux Fareal is a 2x National Spoken Word Winner, a published author, a singer with more than 500k streams, a Film Director with a film on Amazon Prime, an Activist, and Motivational Speaker in New Orleans, LA.

July 4, 2023
Dr Alona Pulde and Dr Matthew Lederman

Connection Medicine: 4 Reasons to Embrace It


Dr. Alona Pulde and Dr. Matthew Lederman, the pioneering physicians from the groundbreaking film “Forks Over Knives,” are helping thousands find better health through WeHeal, a virtual platform that combines ever-important nutrition and lifestyle choices with a component that is lacking in all the buzz - Connection Medicine. 


Connection Medicine offers a unique approach to achieving well-being. This holistic discipline has gained recognition as a vital component of health care. 


Dr Alona Pulde and Dr Matthew Lederman weigh in on the four compelling reasons to consider exploring this growing discipline:


1.Mental and Emotional Well-being: Connection Medicine recognizes that meaningful relationships, community engagement, and support networks can improve mental and emotional health. By prioritizing these connections, individuals can experience improved mental resilience.


2. Enhanced Physical Health: Research shows that strong social connections are linked to better physical health outcomes. Individuals with robust social support networks tend to have lower rates of chronic conditions such as heart disease and obesity. Connection Medicine encourages the development of healthy relationships and emphasizes the role of social support in promoting better physical health.


3. Stress Reduction and Resilience: As a result of today's fast-paced lifestyle, stress has become a significant health concern. Connection Medicine offers strategies and practices to mitigate stress and build resilience. Mindfulness, meditation, and other mind-body techniques foster self-awareness and equip individuals with valuable tools to manage stress effectively.


4. Sense of Belonging and Purpose: Connection Medicine recognizes the need for a sense of belonging and purpose. It encourages community involvement, promotes personal growth, and fosters meaningful connections between individuals. This approach helps people experience a greater sense of purpose in their lives and contributes to overall life satisfaction and fulfillment.


Dr Lederman says “Poor lifestyle and food choices affect health. So does being disconnected from others, as proven by the effects of isolation during the Pandemic. We know that a compassionate, authentic connection with ourselves and others is a fundamental cornerstone of health, and science shows it has a unique and equally powerful impact on physical biomarkers and outcomes, including cholesterol, blood sugar, chronic pain, microbiome, and more.  Without connection, attempts to improve diet and other areas of our life can be futile.”


Please let me know if I can get you more information about WeHeal methodology as outlined in their recent book “Wellness to Wonderful,” practical advice to transform health and how it changes lives, or set up a time for you to chat with Matt and Alona.


Touted as doctors of the future by Dean Ornish, MD and with their work supported by many experts including Sanjay Gupta, MD, Dr Alona Pulde and Dr Matthew Lederman combine conventional Western medicine, Chinese medicine, Lifestyle medicine, Nonviolent Communication, Polyvagal Theory, and Trauma-Informed, Somatic Principles & Pain Reprocessing to create their groundbreaking health paradigm.


They have been successful corporate leaders, starred in the life-changing documentary Forks over Knives, lectured for eCornell, served as adjunct medical school professors and corporate medical advisors, and are NY Times bestselling authors.


They have co-authored six books, including The New York Times Bestseller Forks Over Knives Plan, Forks Over Knives Family, and Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole. They co-authored The Whole Foods Diet and The Whole Foods Cookbook with John Mackey, co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market.


Most recently they co-authored, “Wellness to Wonderful,” interweaving medical science, psychology, spirituality, and life wisdom to help people achieve lasting health, vibrancy, peace, and joy. They consult for various companies and serve on advisory boards for organizations including Lifesum, Center for Nutrition Studies, and Network for NVC.


Alona Pulde, MD is a board-certified practitioner of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine & Family Medicine Physician. She is particularly passionate about supporting clients with nutrition and women’s health. 


Dr. Matthew Lederman, MD is a board-certified Internal Medicine physician & CNVC Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication. He is particularly passionate about integrating mind-body health treatment and providing second medical opinions for patients with persistent chronic disease.


After ten years of serving Whole Foods Market as a corporate Vice President, helping launch their national comprehensive medical & wellness centers, coaching and retreat programs, and integrated hospital and insurance networks, Dr. Pulde and Dr Lederman moved on to co-found their new venture, WeHeal, which is the culmination of decades of learning and practical experience organized into an easily accessible program that does everything just short of guaranteeing lasting health, joy and satisfaction in your life.