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Director, Researcher, Subtle Energy Teacher, Healer, Crystal Skull Researcher, Cherokee, Elder, Author, Columnist, Speaker
Author, Ufologist, Underground Base Researcher, Speaker, Writer, Political Scientist, Paranormal Experiencer
Mathematician, Electron Physics Researcher, Nuclear Physics Expert, Inventor, Professor, Scientist, Applied Physics Engineer, Astrophysician, Director, Writer, Educator, Chairman
Export Author, Writer, Scientist, Pharmacist, Researcher, Musician, Editor, Artist, Producer, Historian
Author, Spokesperson, Keynote Speaker, Humanitarian, Motivator, Echo Conscious Activist
Widom Keeper, Teacher, Stone Mason, Artist, Musician, KSAM Co-Director, Sculptor, Carver, Teacher, Researcher, Egyptian Historian
Writer, Columnist, Author, 2012 Researcher
Astrophysicist, Author, Writer, Editor-in-Chief, Investigator, Scientist, Deputy Director
Professor, Educator, Researcher, Writer, Author
Author, Visionary, Social Innovator, Evolutionary Thinker, Educator, Producer, Narrator, Trainer, Doctor of Conscious Evolution