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Donald - many, many thanks. I am a cheer leader for, and your prompt assistance only reinforces the fact that you folks are a class act. ~ Stan Hughes

Hey Don, Just wanted to say I appreciated the show on Monday night. Interesting perspective on the parasite issue, never heard it before. Keep up the good work. Regards ~ Fran

That was hilarious!!! Loved that! That woman who wanted the psychic . . .send her to hay house . . .with all of their posers. She didn't know what to do, LOVE YOU GUYS! So appreciate you being REAL!!!!!!!!! You guys are the best!! Love you so much! Wynn and Don show - thanks for the laughs, I need them and enjoy you both immensely! That was so funny! she wanted to be led by the nose . . .sad. Psychic reading . . .funny! Love you guys! Thank you for this show, I love it on Saturday night and you better bet I Am listening!!!! Don't ever ever ever short change yourselves - you listeners love you and enjoy this and need it. It's FUN!!! FUN FUN FUN - thanks for the FUN, that is sometimes very hard to come by . . .you both do a great service to all of us!!! Hi Don. Thank You So Very Much!!!!!! Thank You for being such a dear friend and very "SPECIAL SOUL" I just want you to know you are so appricated by me and I am so grateful for all your kindness and help... getting me out to the World with all of these awesome people with their profound messages. Here is a beautiful Angel, just for you! ~ Renee Martin

Dear Don, It was wonderful talking to you, a fellow believer of Almine's capstone teachings. You are a Master - as I can feel from your energy - frequency vibrations of your voice - you are already doing the momentous work anyway by starting BBS Radio and taking such a wonderful stance on helping those who are in need. I'm truly grateful to have your generous heart giving me access to dear Almine's archived shows, some of which I found to be hard to keep up with, being in the Far East's time zone! I thank you, Don from my heart! And now I can truly look forward to catching up with those shows of hers that I'd missed. Bless your heart! Broadcasting her teachings worldwide had helped spread the Infinite Mother's Words far and wide making it available to the haves and have nots, you're truly assisting with humanity's wakening. May we flow effortlessly into Mastery and Ascension! Thank you! With Love, Praise and Gratitude, ~ Chooi

Hi Don, Thank you very much! Always free Radio! All the best also to your station. ~ Nicolaus

I love that FAB day! Thank you! What a great TNT show, don't ya think! Loved it!!! Clinton hitlist . . .I'm hoping Fulford gets on the ball or others like him and take all these people OUT!!! And, we prevail & rule!!! Wow - wouldn't it be a wonderful world . . . just think about that if LOVE prevailed. Take good care! oh, and you too, have a FAB day - I think I'm going to start using that - FAB and the oldie but goodie, let your freak flag fly!!! yaahoooo, ya big freak!!!! (major compliment) ~ Renee

Hi: You have great shows archived, and I love to listen to a lot of them, but wondering if you could find an organic gardener to do shows for those of us who are trying to grow our own veggies. appreciate all your work. Glad you survived the fire up there. ~ Dee

Hi Don, I love BBS radio! thanks for your levity and humor with such grisley things going on today... everytime I think of your comment on your hair I just burst out loud laughing several times today ... it was great, sure to be a classic. Thanks so much, ~ Nancy

Thanks for such a wonderful radio station to feel so personally involved with. best wishes ~ Dominic in London

Love you Dear Heart . . .keep on keepin' on . . .you're doing great things for so many of us and speaking for others (now) we sincerely appreciate it! Again, thanks for BBS and for all that you do we aren't even aware of -- need heros out there - I sincerely appreciate it! missed tnt yesterday . . .you do bring comic relief too, if I may say so, and I REALLY appreciate that! We so need to laugh . . .I don't know if you're aware of that, but things you say on tnt and the 6pm Sat. show - funny. Gotta keep the Happy -- Laughing -- Joy quotient up right now - need it to get through all this other stuff. Hhope you'll do tnt again. Did you know you were funny . . .??? In a very good way - takes really really really smart people to make me laugh . . .so thanks very much for that too. Many blessings and much love to you and yours! ~ fran

BBSRadio - I have been amazed by your wonderful resource, already, and am telling my friends to sign up! thanks for offering BBSRadio, which is already awesome! ~ James W.

Just wanted to comment on the cover story video on the front page...on 9/11 being an inside job. Excellent!!! MThank you so much for providing all of what you do!! It is very helpful to learn of these view points!! Your making laugh. LOL!! I love the way you put things!!! All extremely valid points. Yes, I actually had a rattlesnake on my ranch who committed suicide that way! Seriously, I saw this rattlesnake on the wall of the barn close to where my birds roosted. I got my nerve up after running to grab a shovel and inched closer and closer ...and after thirty minutes of preparing myself for what I had to do...I realized it was just hanging there absoluteley dead!! He had eaten a rat and then gone through the chicken wire but the rat inside his body prevented him to go any further as he got stuck and then apparently broke his neck while trying to get out of the mess he was in (snapped just like a twigg!) Thnx!! Hopefully that will be what happens to the “Illumi-gnats” as you referred to them. I love that term you came up with!! ~ Jill G.

A very good morning to everyone, Listening to about 3 issues in the archive, was thinking to ask you to share some thoughts/ impressions/feelings on this radio program. I was completely overwhelmed by the powerful energies through the entire hour. I find that a) each second is empowered by an enormous vibrational intensity. The very first music sounds bring to a state of sharp awareness and expectation to the coming content. Lady Athena's voice vibrations are so powerful that they can transmute one in an instant to higher Pure Light dimensions. This is what happened to me remaining during each program in various dimensions of the Golden Empire Galaxy. b) Another fact was that this high info dimensional frequency was transformed in symbols, which ran in front of my eyes with the speed of each uttered word. I felt that I knew them though I could not recall where exactly. It was impossible for me to draw them or to make the effort to remember them, so fast was the speed, but they were clear. I think it was more of a language. Coming to think of this just now, they could have represented the Star Language Codex. c) I find that the transmitted info is so vast in knowledge and so powerful in its energy that it has to be re-listened to again and again in order to penetrate and grasp it. I understood it more intuitively than consciously. I would like to know if there might be a seminar on some subjects presented in these programs. I am waiting anxiously for you star seeds to write your comments. Blessings of much radiant Love ~ Dara

Thank you for having dr.turi on and please continue. he is the best! you will not go wrong............ believer, follower and v.i.p. in rhode island

Hi Don and crew, Thanks so much for airing Evident Footprints. It is not only the best show on BBS, it is the best show on the entire Internet! I am learning so much, and shifting into being a better human being. The last few weeks have been transformational. He is delivering REAL Solutions and truthful information. Peace, love and light ~ Nancy

Dear Don, I just want to take a moment to thank you for everything you stand for. and who you are. The main page looks so great and I am a proud Host HONORED to be a part of the family here on May you always continue to be as Bluntly Honest. And May the 6 winds on the outside of you keep you safe and direct as to truth within the 7th winds of time ~ Cathy

Love your shows. Got to discover marcome on your channel, and I love it. Thanks for the tip. I figure she should be more and more known. ~ Pat

Thank you BBS Team, I searched all over looking for the best network to have my show. You guys are by far the best. No other station around has the kind and caring staff you do. Thank you for all you do, especially providing this platform that we can all reach out and connect with others. ~ Gordon Harris "Bridges with Gordon Harris"

Hi Don, As a subscriber, I just want to be one of the many who, I'm sure, want to thank you for the past year of empowering, enlightening, educational, metaphysical truth radio. I've recently cancelled my TV cable service because of websites like yours. We will get through the coming times with knowledge, compassion, expanding our consciousness and our hearts - and BBS will play a big part in this process for those of us who listen to your shows and music. You and BBS are a true gift and I wish you, your family and your staff a year of continued success, love, light, peace and abundance in the coming years. Namaste and Happy 2009! ~ Heather

Thanks so much, BBS has been a stimulus to make my life so much better, ~ Don Davis