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Effortless Inner Manifesting: Boots ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

Ten days ago I was in Stockholm, for the first time since 1978.  My main
focus was to take my Mom's ashes to the house my family lived in back then.
 I didn't really have any other agenda.  It was the last part of a
sixteen day trip, four countries, four languages, three currencies.

In the back of my head, though, I thought about Laplander boots.

Reclaim Your Inner Baby ©2015 Joan Newcomb

I was just in the city where I was born, part
of a mission to scatter my moms ashes to all the places where she lived.

Relaxing Into Discomfort (c)2015 Joan M. Newcomb

I'm in Germany, and it's been one roller coaster ride since we got here.  There
were 32mph winds when we landed (which should have been a clue for the rest
of the trip).

We came from Madrid, where it was nearly 80 degrees, and in Germany it was
in the 30s.  We've been rained on, lightening'd over and pelted with hail
pellets.  Our artist's apartment in Madrid was warm and inviting.  Our
flat in Kreuzberg is a flophouse for grunge-rebels.

How To Have A Rich Life (c)2015 Joan M. Newcomb

I'm in Madrid, visiting my son.  Spain is a great place to recover from jet lag. Their sense of time is totally different than the US.  Their workday starts at 9am, their lunch break is from 3-5pm, then everyone goes back to work until 7:30 or 8pm.  Dinner is at 9pm or later. They get 26 days of holiday/vacation per year.

Compare that to the US where the average workday is 8am-5pm, with a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks. And, if they're lucky, 14 days of holiday/vacation annually.

This has been a powerful week.  We've had the last of 7th Pluto/Uranus Squares, which began in 2012,  I've heard that the astrology is similar to 1928-1932 and the late 1960's, but even more powerful.  And today was both a New Moon Solar Eclipse *and* the Equinox.

An eclipse has 3x the power of a regular moon, and brings sudden changes, setting in motion a new phase of growth that can last for 6 months to 2 years.

Rasha's story is a very personal one about how she went through years of transformation in her thinking and development of her higher self and understanding of how she could use the wisdom given to share with others a transformational awareness.  We'll travel with her through some of these events and learn how she adapted and grew into the international teacher of wisdom she is aclaimed to be.