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Energy Report for November 2014 on the Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow. Find out information about the solar flares, current energies coming in, geopolitical shifts, current events, and the ascension of earth with the Energetic Update for November 2014 with Claudia McNeely. This is going to be a great show, learn how all of these energies are affecting your daily life and what you can do to get through it with ease!

In this interview, you will not only here what it is like to run a game reserve, the goings-on of the local Botswanans and ranchers, but you will hear her rescued meerkat screeching in the background as I attempted to pick him up in the middle of the interview.
This information is significant for any of you animal lovers who really feel the consciousness of our animal kingdom and want so much to protect them from harms way.

Psychic Vampires, who are they and what do they want? Find out how Psychic Vampires can feed off of your energy without you even knowing it! Sometimes you might feel tired, get a headache, notice aches and pains and it might be from someone draining your energy. Sometimes friends, famiy, neighbors, customers, or other people in your life can drain your energy without realizing they are doing it. Others, might be doing it on purpose! Learn about this topic and how to stop it!

Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow has a special guest, Eva Black Tail Swan, Cherokee Medicine Woman and author of "Creator's Song, Ancient Voices Speak". Eva has taught Native American Spirituality for more than thirty years. She is known by the elders as " a Master of the Medicine Tools". Eva receives daily messages brought forth in her pre-dawn ceremony each day at her buffalo ranch connecting with the Creator, mother earth, the elders, and animal spirit guides.

Part two with Rupert Harris on amazing facts regarding what really goes on with Africa's wildlife. He really reveals the wisdom of each and every creature, paving the way for you to reach an harmonious connection with mother earth. If you're looking for a combination of adventure, nature, enlightenment and the appreciation of all the creatures of mother earth, doing a tour with Rupert is one of the best ways I can suggest to experience all of this.

A two part series with Rupert Harris on amazing facts regarding what really goes on with Africa's wildlife. He really reveals the wisdom of each and every creature, paving the way for you to reach an harmonious connection with mother earth. If you're looking for a combination of adventure, nature, enlightenment and the appreciation of all the creatures of mother earth, doing a tour with Rupert is one of the best ways I can suggest to experience all of this.

Guests were James Kapicka and Inelia Benz.  This is an inspirational show centered around the Transcendence Festival being held in Sacramento on October 3rd through 6th, 2014.   A portion of the Pillars of Intention give a good taste of what you'll discover:

Art, Music, & Creative Expression

Penny Kelly returned to talk about various timelines revealed to her by the men in "Robes", which is the title of her book.  We delved into the Breakaway Civilization, collapse of the food and water supplies, 3rd World War and the differences between 2125 and 2403.  Crop circles are discussed as being a plasma vortex with 7 different energies.  Ets and UFOs are on the horizon - participation with ET races no later than 2025!

Lee McCormick shared his experience, strength and hope around the issues that are coming up for many:  ADDICTIONS without the shame and guilt.  Lee was addicted to coke and through his process and journey, he ended up writing eight wonderful books and opening two centers for recovery.  He worked with horses as a healing modality, and his natural, easy-going manner is a beautiful cover for an enlightened, spiritual being who graciously helps others discover the truth of "who we really are".