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Hi Ron... Thought I would give you have few comments from yesterdays CLS 1 hr session before I forget what happened. 1st off we have squirrels and wild rabbits in our yard along with hummingbirds sometimes and lots of birds. We had almost zero animals before working with CLS. My word we live in the middle of town! this is real wild! You'd think we were in the mountains or something! We only have about 20'x40' of yard! and no one else in town I know of has any wild rabbits camping under there pine trees or snoozing in the middle of the lawn out in the open while cars pass by! My friend Joel saw one in the middle of the yard and his eyes where as big as marbles! (you got wild rabbit sitting in the middle of your yard!) He was even more amazed when we pulled into the driveway about 8 feet or so from it and it just sat there! and they aren't scared of me or Adrianna! This is totally wild Ron! No one believes me when I say we have wild rabbits in the yard and we can come up to them! It is totally wild you can get within 5 feet and they don't run off they want to stay in the energy so they just move a little to keep clear of you stepping on them and continue to mellow out in the energy. I tell people it is a wild jack rabbit and they don't believe me. Wild jack rabbits don't hang out in cities and then just move out of the way like a pet dog and keep hanging out at the house! Anyway I try to take the whole yard up on the lightship every time... ~ Kyle