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The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free

Let's Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Elizabeth Joyce Teaches

Pluto's return to America after 248 years & the dark energies at month's end. It's Karma baby!

A teaching show.

Weekly Cosmic Tip

SONG: Water – W. Vitalis

July’s ending cycle plus a peek into the Fall of 2022

SONG: Praise God Forever – W. Vitalis in it’s entirety

THE MEDITATION - Guided Meditation – Breathe Into The Heart Meditation

END WITH “Forgiveness” - Shulman

Let's Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce

Elizabeth Joyce Teaches – June’s ending cycles, plus a peek into July 2022

Guided Meditation – Meld Into The Light Meditation

The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free

What is Reiki and Shamanic Healing, and how can it benefit first responders?
This episode features an interview with energy practitioners Akilah Barr and Deana Pacqua about Reiki, Shamanic Healing and other Alternative Healing Modalities for First Responders. We discuss how energy work is becoming a more common practice for first responders and how their work can be enhanced by energy healing modalities.

Teacher and practitioners of Reiki, contemporary shamanism, cross-cultural energy medicine and holistic mind/body wellness,

What Does Laughter Have to do With Abundance?


This Friday, March 18th on The New Reality Solutions Show we will be talking with Pragito Dove, M.A. - a leading authority in North America on Expressive Meditation techniques and hypnotherapy, and an Amazon bestselling
author of “LUNCHTIME ENLIGHTENMENT: Expressive Meditations for Manifesting Peace, Prosperity and Passion”.

Living Your True Purpose

Have you settled for only a sense of your purpose?

Do you know your purpose in life?

For that matter, do you even know what purpose is? 

We speak with Dan Willis, a retired police Captain who is an expert on the proven benefits of serving with your heart and acting with compassion in the face of job-related trauma and stress. Dan is a highly regarded expert on the subject of emotional survival and improving spiritual wellness for law enforcement and first responders.