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Hey Eva, There is know way to really thank you for all you have done. I would like for your readers to know what kind of person you have been for my family and me. How accurate your work can be. I signed on to one night in hopes of being able to find my father. After clicking on a few other links, I found I sent an e-mail about my father and a week or so later Eva called me. After missing each other a few times, we finally talked a little and made an appointment. When I called her the next day, there was so many things she told me that was so right. I made notes of everything she had told me. Eva told me a few things about my father that were right. She told me what kind of shirt he had on, what color his car was. She told me the word Pinegrove, large group of trees, that my father wasn't far from me. She said, tell Bonnie there is some cement in raw form not real close but somewhat. Small narrow road goes up slight hill. She also kept hearing something about a green car. After talking to Eva, it wasn't long before they found my fathers remains. He was missing for five months. Where he was found, the area was called Pinegrove. There was a large group of trees beside a creek and he was laying right there. He wasn't but maybe three miles from where I live if you went through the woods. A quarter of a mile from where he was, there is a business that hauls cement and sand. He was in a pasture that had a very narrow road that went through it. The only thing we couldn't figure out was the green car. A few days later we went to the area where he was found. The man that took us out there was in a green truck and the man that found my father was on a green tractor when he found him. Once we were able to put all the pieces together she was very accurate on everything that she told me. Not only was Eva accurate on what she said, she was very nice and thoughtful. If I needed to call her back at times she didn't mind at all. She would tell me if she was getting to tired and needed to stop. She didn't want to give me the wrong information, so she would take a break and we would talk about other things. If I ever need anything again, you can be sure I will call you Eva. Thank you for everything you have done.

~ Bonnie

Hi Eva, Thanks again for your call today! I love when the universe connects us in synchronicity. "I am acquainted with several gifted psychics and medical intuitives, and I know that people receive and interpret information from the human energy field in different ways. Eva Herr stands out, with her clear readings and no-nonsense approach. Within a very short time, she pin-pointed specific issues I was experiencing and provided insight on the connections between certain conditions and long-held or forgotten emotions. She also suggested some remedies that could alleviate the underlying causes and perhaps prevent a minor problem from escalating into a serious one. In addition, she was able to see some specific links to health issues experienced by family members and a business associate, and this information, while unsolicited, is helpful to know. I can recommend Eva to anyone who seeks a different approach or a second opinion on their health."

~ Elizabeth Hare, Executive Consultant for the Arts and Health Care, Former CEO, Aspen Center for Integrative Health Alternative Health Practitioner

Hi Eva, I really enjoyed your show and really felt something positive coming through just by listening to you. I think that your show is such a refreshing approach considering all the other shows concentrating on conspiracy theories and the near extension of humans. I hope that your shows will always concentrate on the positive and teach us listeners the path to Consciousness. I have been battling depression, financial hardship and a loveless marriage, so it would be nice if you would address these kind of problems on your future shows. Love and peace,

~ Carline

Hi Eva, I am listening to the archive of your new show. Good stuff! Lots to take in.

~ Julia

I really enjoyed your shows with Dr. Swanson and Dannion Brinkley. My local library does not have Dr. Swanson's book yet, but I'll be looking for it. I really enjoyed hearing about orbs, too. Great stuff! Dannion was great too, what a great spirit! I've listened to your shows that are posted on bloginservice, as well as the Don & Wynn shows. Great stuff! I'm looking forward to more of them. Namaste,

~ Michael

Eva, I just discovered your show on BBS radio and can't stop listening. I have yet to find a lecturer that you've had on that doesn't connect with me in some small way. Your determination to help humanity through our reawakening to our true nature is one of the most loving and noble causes on internet radio and I applaud your efforts. In a sea of well meaning but misguided mediocre alternative radio broadcasting I have been completely blown away by your knowledge and skilled interviewing approach.Thanks again for all of your hard work and courageous effort. Love,

~ Roger M.

I see your wonderful site has changed things.... it has been my pleasure to have been a faithful listener of your archives for a long time; especially enjoyed Eva Herr. Again, thanks for BBS!

~ Sharon Kahrar in Jackson, NJ

"Self-Development Wisdom institutes supports Eva Herr vocation and work around the world to ensured that all humans are offered the best Human-Development Wisdom education possible and available..."-JTL"

Very much appreciate the show. Hav e done study with sound over the years, and definitely know the importance it plays in our lives! Thank you!

~ Jean House "jh6713"

"Wow, she blew my mind, she types so fast and she's so quick and now I think I'll be coming to her for more insights and updates"

"SASHA WOWED ME! She is a fantastic fantastic reader and lady!!! I recommend and is definitely one of the best out there!  THANK YOU!!!

“The caliber of the reading was beyond excellent. Sasha has such a great energy I felt so at ease in our session, I didn't want to leave. Awesome psychic abilities, damned good common sense, and a touch of wit... what better mix can you ask for. I hope your rate NEVER goes back up.”

“The information just kept flowing and I appreciate all she provided as she tuned in very well into my situation. She needs no dates of birth and she just runs with it.”

ELIZABETH - you said the purchase of my car would work out and it sure did!  Today the staff brought me the mail and right on top of the pile was another GMAC mailing.  I was shaking so much I couldn't open it. Within the white envelope was a reminder of the first coupon offer and the expiration date.  It also gave me the certificate # so that I could go on-line and print out the sale info to bring to the dealer. Thank God I stalled another week before giving the dealer more than the $100 I put down.  I used my eye infection to say I couldn't drive. Then I contacted you to help me find the coupon. You said it was in a white envelope, possibly in a bag, and on its way to me. Just had to tell you. Thanks again for the insight! Love to listen to you on "Let's Find Out." BOY - you sure can "find out!"

Elizabeth - Just listened to you on BBS - Let's Find Out - and it was great! (10-10-10)  I enjoyed that you were able to explain what was happening with the 5th Dimension energies so well. You made it very clear. William Vitalis is still my favorite all time ecstatic singer and I love to play his music when I want to go deep! The meditation was terrific and I was swept away by it.
~Sharon Kahrar

What an incredible show! (10-10-10) You have made this powerful information, from your book Ascension, so accessible. Elizabeth has new answers for us to unlock within.
~Rosemary Desrosiers

I am the caller named Eric from Maryland. I have regret in my heart for what I have done with my family's savings. The closer of the scam was when her husband giving me a call on Friday saying that this gypsy took me and that she and her mother does this all the time. You told me on the show to call the Police. Her husband stated to me that nobody ever does because it is too embarrassing for them. I'm not even sure she is still in town. Three other psychics never gave me warning. Thank you for writing Psychic Attack Are You A Victim? and for yours and Frank's guidance. Any more advice or just a kick in  the pants will be GREATLY appreciated. I'm at a lost. Thanks for the ear and any help.

Thank you so much for your guidance. I am the the girl who called in tonight, the one going to Paris. I am so in tuned to your love vibration. Love is the key - the work I want to create.  I want it to vibrate with love and show it in my art work. My father lives in Chalfont, PA, so hope to see you one day. I saw Amma in July in New York and she is loving Saint. I wish you love and light with this radio show endeavor.

Thanks so much for another amazing broadcast of "Let's Find Out." You always have great and informative guests. I especially liked Stephen Lewis of the AIM Program. WIll he be on again soon?  I always feel so well-grounded afterward the meditation at the end of the show, and find myself looking forward to it. Each one is such a surprise!  I downloaded your "Chakras and Your Body" CD, and after four sessions, a problem with chronic shoulder/neck pain is now mostly a thing of the past.  I have also noted a positive change in daily life. Things just seem to fall into place or work out for the best in a way that never seemed to happen previously. Blessings to your work, Elizabeth.
~Elaine C.  (New Hampshire)

Thank you so much for the information you give on "Let's Find Out" on are at your best when you do your "stuff!" I only know you changed my life for the better and this self-healing information would only benefit anyone who listens for the rest of theirs. I love BBSRadio for having a specific show that finds the facts and shares with the world. It's awesome! Me and my close friends are regular listeners - and the Pods and your guided meditations are a plus.
~ Madelyn  (NJ