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"How to Grow Through, Not Woe Through Adversity" offers a profound exploration into the transformative power of resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Through compelling insights and practical guidance, the episode illuminates the mindset shifts necessary to navigate adversity as a catalyst for personal growth and empowerment. By reframing difficulties as opportunities for learning and self-discovery, viewers are encouraged to embrace adversity as a pathway to resilience, strength, and ultimately, fulfillment.

David and Lana speak to Don and Doug Newsom founders of BBS Radio Network in-person at the studio.  Don and Doug will be telling the story of their harrowing escape from the Paradise City wildfire last year in 2018 and the inspiration they gained from the people who reached out to help them rebuild their lives.

Lana and David discuss the upcoming Shift to Superconsciousness teleonference event.

This event is sponsored by the BBS Radio Network: 

When: Saturday, November 11th 2018 at 9:00am to 5:00pm Pacific Time 

To make a reservation for this exciting event please visit the Eventbrite webpage: