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A Fireside Chat, October 27, 2012

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A Fireside Chat
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with Sterling Allan
My Guest is STERLING ALLAN, CEO of Pure Energy Systems.  Pure Energy Systems (PES) Network, of which he is CEO, is the premier news, directory, and networking service whose mission is to find and facilitate the best exotic free energy technologies. In May, 2012, Sterling founded the New Energy Systems Trust to help bring these technologies to market.  In this show, we discuss the most promising leading edge technologies around the globe and ongoing obstacles from those corporations and groups who already have it and use it.  Until we are fully cognizant that "free energy" abounds and has been here for thousands of years - in ancient Hindu, Egyptian and other advanced civilizations, we are stuck with the destructive and costly metered waste products forced upon us.  Solutions exist NOW.  It's T I M E to implement them individually and as groups, by going around existing archaic, dying (fossil fuels) systems.

Guest, Sterling Allan

Guest Name
Sterling Allan
Guest Occupation
CEO, Free Energy Technologies Researcher, Exotic Energy Explorer, New Energy Congress Founder, Writer, Speaker, Radio Show Host
Guest Biography

Sterling Allan is the primary driving force behind,, and most recently

Pure Energy Systems (PES) Network, of which he is CEO, is the premier news, directory, and networking service whose mission is to find and facilitate the best exotic free energy technologies. In May, 2012, Sterling founded the New Energy Systems Trust to help bring these technologies to market.

PES is aided by the New Energy Congress, which Sterling founded in 2005 as an association of energy professionals from around the world who review the most promising claims to existing and up-and-coming breakthrough energy technologies that are clean, renewable, affordable, reliable, easy to implement, safe, and legitimate. From this ongoing review, they generate a Top 100 Clean Energy Technologies listing.  More recently, they shifted their focus to "exotic" modalities, emphasizing the Top 5.  They also endeavor to facilitate the emergence of some of the more promising exotic technologies into the marketplace.  

Sterling has made the term "free energy" more acceptable by relating it to solar, wind, geothermal, and other well-understood technologies; while also making the more exotic approaches not seem so crazy. 

Prior to his focused involvement in free energy over the past eight years, Sterling was an activist in promoting principles of freedom and defending them against forces conspiring to establish world tyranny. For example, he spearheaded the "Draft Ron Paul for President in 2004" signature campaign. When Paul declined, Sterling threw his own hat in that ring. 

He is presently involved in launching an intentional community, Safe Haven Villages, featuring sustainable building and growing methods and utilizing renewable energy. Sterling's graduate studies at BYU and the University of Arizona were in Bioelectrochemisty, studying the interaction between external electrical stimuli and physiological systems.

Sterling is the founder of a dozen-plus organizations whose functions range from preparedness and alternative religious and political thinking; to defining, teaching and researching better ways to live as a society. He has proven experience in creating, managing and sustaining organizations, as well as in using websites as a way to teach, publish and disseminate information.

A Fireside Chat

Show Host

The focus of these inter-connected shows spanning 8 plus years is the practical and metaphysical application of ancient wisdom and future technologies. 

The shift into 'new dimensions' is instant and already is... visionaries have paved 'the way'. Let's unite as a unified quantum field of Consciousness, Light and profound Joy. 

Change the world within, sitting cozy, warm and loved with: A Fireside Chat with the Zany Mystic!

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