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A Fireside Chat, August 22, 2015

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A Fireside Chat
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Guest Duane Heppner

Duane Heppner shared his vision of the All Solar Research Vessel, which is going to be built and stationed at the Huntington Beach Pier.  He spoke about the distinction between Creation and the realms beyond Creation, the ALLIS, and spoke about "human farming" that's being done in this Matrix realm.  To find out more about this exciting project, to read Duane's many books, or join one of the Facebook groups, go to Facebook and type in Duane Heppner.

Guest, Duane Lee Heppner

Guest Name
Duane Lee Heppner
Guest Occupation
Writer, Visionary, Founder of the All Solar Research Vessel Project and The NUPresentation Foundation
Guest Biography


We are FreeBeings of RealLight.  We are not political, religious, spiritual or with any of the KEK Systems of this planet.  We do not look to the invented gods of Worshiping and PrayPaying, nor to the Authoritarians and their Rules, Regulations and Restrictions.  

We stand with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides & The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS.  We are not looking for followers and we do not have a membership nor Reptilian Temples.  You have to Be a Real RiskTaker to Stand With US.  We are the Sun Shining with The Whole of Life.  We are Reporting The RealNews, which is not a criticism, but merely more of a warning to those who have been Deceived by the Ruling Deceptors.  

If you want to stay Astrally TapLined with your Reptilian presidents, popes, queens and kings, masters and gurus, that is Your Choice and right to do so.  We are providing a Real Warning as to what is really taking place on earth Now.     Our RealAdventure is Waking UP Now and Becoming MoreAware with The ALLNatural Environment that Supports ALL of US! 

You can Join US!

Join 'The Porpoisee Club' for 'YOUR OCEANS!’

Duane Lee Heppner / DUANE THE GREAT WRITER is the Founder of The ALLSolar Research Vessel Project and The NUPresentation Foundation, which is a WorldWide WakeUp for Everyone. This is for 'YOUR OCEANS' and ALL that entails - The Natural Environment that Supports ALL of US.  We provide RealGuidance and RealEducation like no one else!
"We Are Real"
ALLSolar Research Vessel ~ An Introduction

A Fireside Chat

Show Host

The focus of these inter-connected shows spanning 8 plus years is the practical and metaphysical application of ancient wisdom and future technologies. 

The shift into 'new dimensions' is instant and already is... visionaries have paved 'the way'. Let's unite as a unified quantum field of Consciousness, Light and profound Joy. 

Change the world within, sitting cozy, warm and loved with: A Fireside Chat with the Zany Mystic!

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